Elevated Legacy – Legit or Scam System? [Real Review]

Elevated Legacy is a new business opportunity launched by Vincent Ortega.

Vincent has been behind a number of opportunities over the past few years and has also dominated leaderboards across others as an affiliate but what is his Elevated Legacy all about and can you trust it?

Today I’m sharing my honest review and giving you all the details below.

Before I start…

If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my recommendation below.

It’s helped me earn over $300k in the last 12 months alone:

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Elevated Legacy - Legit or Scam System? [Real Review] 5

Elevated Legacy Review

Vincent Ortega is the man behind Elevated Legacy and it’s a new program currently in pre-launch. The good news is that Vincent is a real person so you don’t have to worry about some fake scam artist hiding behind an actor or actress. I’ve seen Vincent dominate the leaderboards in the online space for some time now.

His new program looks interesting for sure, and that’s why I’m sharing this honest review giving you all the details.

elevated legacy website

How Does Elevated Legacy Work?

The good news is that there seems to be legitimate tools on offer here with Elevated Legacy. So often with these kind of programs in the make money space I see the only tool being sold is education and often poor quality education. You see these high ticket programs that sell nothing but some videos teaching you how to do basic online marketing things.

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People paying literally $1,000’s for a course showing them how to setup an auto-responder or even worse I’ve seen programs that are pure THEORY and give no actionable information whatsoever. So it’s nice to see that Elevated Legacy is actually giving you software tools that can help you build a real and profitable online business.

What are the tools / software?

Below I’ll detail some of the tools on offer and a brief explanation as to what they are. I’ll also give my opinion on each of them and whether it’s a good thing or a gimmick.

Capture Page Builder

elevated legacy capture page builderThe first tool on offer by Elevated Legacy is a capture page builder. If you are new to the world of online marketing you won’t have a clue what this is, but it’s basically a tool that allows you to build a simple 1 page website for capturing a visitors name and email address which allows you to build an email list.

The top marketers all have email lists. I personally have an email list of over 90,000 subscribers and I’ve built that through using a capture page much like the one on offer from Elevated Legacy.

Personally I prefer to use the industry leaders which are ClickFunnels to build mine, however I can’t really speak of the quality of Elevated Legacy since I haven’t used it, but it’s a good tool and definitely not a gimmick.

Email Auto Responder

There’s a built in email auto-responder. This is where your email addresses that you capture via your capture page builder are stored. It’s also what allows you to send automated mass emails to your list including automated followup emails. I do see potential issues with this though as I will explain.

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Email marketing is a fine art and it’s incredibly difficult to achieve and maintain high inboxing rates. That basically means when you send an email that it goes into the inbox and not into the spam/junk folder. This is something that is built up over time and I would be skeptical that Elevated Legacy being such a new tool has mastered this.

Personally I prefer to use Aweber who are industry leaders when it comes to email marketing auto-responder services.

Lead Capture Pop Ups

This is a popup that allows you to capture leads. I have popups on this blog and they are very useful.

This is a good tool for bloggers but won’t be much use to a newbie who doesn’t have a popular blog already.

Blog Creator

elevated legacy blog creator The next thing is the blog creator which allows you to create your own stunning blog easily which is SEO optimized. I’ll be honest this is a feature I am very much skeptical about and I will explain why. I’ve been blogging for years now and the majority of top blogs out there are built on WordPress.

WordPress is a platform that Google loves and it’s easy to use, and there’s a lot of support for it. Basically it’s not going anywhere because so many things run off WordPress.

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I’m not entirely sure what platform is behind Elevated Legacy’s blog creator but I would be skeptical of creating a blog that runs of another persons platform especially in the “make money” space where products come and go extremely fast. Do you really want to put a lot of effort into creating a blog that disappears when Elevated Legacy shuts down?

I’m not suggesting it will ever shut down and hopefully it will be around forever but in my experience these “make money” opportunities never last forever and always disappear eventually.

I remember a few years ago there was a blog platform created by a network marketing company called “Blog Beast” and people put many hours of their time into creating content only for the company to go bust and the content to disappear.

Personally if you want to get into blogging don’t risk it with platforms like this that are built into opportunities. It’s far better to build on WordPress and protect yourself / own the content.

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Other features of Elevated Legacy:

  • Integrations
  • Website builder
  • A/B testing
  • Multiple themes
  • Quiz creator
  • Course creator
  • Group creator
  • Forum creator
  • Scarcity marketing tools
  • Content marketing tools
  • Testimonial tools
  • Marketing training courses

There’s a lot of features on offer here for sure but I am skeptical as to how good or useful they are. After all if you are a newbie to making money online what in the world are you going to do with a quiz creator or a group creator. You’ll be lost with these tools and won’t be able to use them.

I fear that a lot of newbies coming into Elevated Legacy are going to suffer from information overload because there’s simply so many tools on offer.

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Looking at what Elevated Legacy has to offer I feel that it’s more suited to the more experienced internet marketer who already knows what he is doing. That being said, the more experienced internet marketer is probably already likely to use services like ClickFunnels, and autoresponders like Aweber so will they really switch to Elevated Legacy to have it all in one place?

That’s a personal decision I guess, and it will depend on the individual, but I will personally be sticking with my individual tools that I have years of experience dealing with.

Is Elevated Legacy A Scam?

Despite being skeptical about some of the tools on offer I don’t believe that Elevated Legacy is a scam.

Vincent Ortega has a strong reputation and knows what he is doing. I believe he has created a system here that can work for people as long as they follow the tools and training.

It’s certainly A LOT better than other alternatives in the marketplace that flat out scam people and offer zero value.

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

Elevated Legacy Verdict

All in all Elevated Legacy is not a scam an it is potentially a good program that can help you make money. The tools on offer IF utilized effectively could product real results.

That being said do I recommend it?

Personally I am not recommending it because I believe there are better options out there for newbies looking to make money such as my “no.1 recommendation” which I rated no.1 out of over 500+ systems I’ve personally reviewed and tested.

Before you leave

If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my recommendation below.

It’s helped me earn over $300k in the last 12 months alone:

Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

(This is a 100% free training)

Elevated Legacy - Legit or Scam System? [Real Review] 5

Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.

After reviewing 1000’s of programs, he knows what works and what doesn’t:

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