Five Minute Profit Sites – Scam Exposed? [Review]

Five Minute Profit Sites is a hilarious new website which claims it can help you make $519 a day.

They claim that you can make that much from their “done for you” software that builds you a website exploiting a $12.3 million loophole.

It certainly sounds interesting however I’m about to expose this scam website in my honest review, keep reading…

Before I start…

If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my recommendation below.

It’s helped me earn over $300k in the last 12 months alone:

Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

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Five Minute Profit Sites - Scam Exposed? [Review] 5

Five Minute Profit Sites Review

I’ll be honest, the name Five Minute Profit Sites kind of says it all. They are making it sound like you can make a fortune from a software that will automatically make you a website in 5 minutes or less and then you can make $500+ a day. The website claims to be tapping into a $12.3 million loophole but I’m here to tell you that it’s a complete farce and you will never make anywhere near that money in 5 years with this system let alone 5 minutes.

There has been a number of these kind of websites popping up lately on Clickbank, and I’ve already exposed others like The AZ Code and the Viral Cash App.

five minute profit sites

The Truth About Five Minute Profit Sites

Want to know the truth about 5 Minute Profit Sites?

The person in the video is not real. She is an voice actress reading from a script.

The real owner has put together a script (or paid someone to write a script) which is basically a made up story designed to sell you on the dream of making money online. The video talks about this software and how it will make you a fortune but the reality is so much different.

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

There is no chance in hell for you to make $500+ a day from a website that was built by an automated software as claimed.

The whole $12.3 million loophole is made up too – complete BS designed to get you excited about buying into their hype.

There’s 2 kinds of people who are profiting from Five Minute Profit Sites and NEITHER of these 2 people are USERS of the Five Minute Profit Sites software.

Who are they then?

  1. The owner of the Five Minute Profit Sites website
  2. The Clickbank affiliates promoting it for a commission

The strange thing is that Clickbank is actually one of the more legitimate affiliate networks (they recently launched Clickbank University) however lately they seem to have an influx of spammy looking make money online scam websites. I’m not really sure what is going on there, but it’s a shame because I remember a few years back probably around 2011 time they become extremely strict and stopped a lot of scammers from selling products on their network.

Now it seems like Clickbank is going backwards by letting the likes of Five Minute Profit Sites be sold.

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

Why Five Minute Profit Sites Will NEVER Work

five minute profit sitesLet me take you back to 2007. This is when I began trying to make money online. Things were a lot different back then, however some things remained the same such as scam websites like Five Minute Profit Sites trying to steal peoples money.

Unfortunately back then I was a complete newbie online. I didn’t know anything about building websites, SEO, making money, affiliate marketing, list building or any of that stuff. If you’re wondering what on earth those things are then you’re probably like I was back then.

I fell for all kinds of scams like Five Minute Profit Sites so I know for a FACT that this won’t work.

It’s IMPOSSIBLE to make money from a website that took 5 minutes to build. It just WON’T HAPPEN EVER.

To actually make money online you need a real system and a real business.

Let me take my own online business. I am fortunate enough to make a full time income online, but it took me the best part of 4 years to actually make anything at all. And in total it’s taken me 8 years to get to an income of above $50,000 per month.

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

It took me 6-7 years of trial and error to earn a consistent $500+ per day which is what Five Minute Profit Sites claims you can earn in just 5 minutes.

five minute profit sites scam claims

Trust me when I say, it will never happen.

The website Five Minute Profit Sites is claiming that their software can build you a profitable website in 5 minutes.

I have no doubts that the software CAN build a website in Five Minutes however it won’t be profitable. The website will be one that gets no traffic and makes zero sales. Unfortunately you’ll be sucked into believing that this website can actually make you money but it won’t.

If the Five Minute Profit Sites owner gets lucky you might end up waiting 60 days for your website to make money in the pure hope that it will. At which stage you will have passed your refund period and the owner of the scam website can keep the money you paid.

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

Is Five Minute Profit Sites A Scam?

Yes it is plain and simple. The claims of making $500 a day will never happen so please don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s possible.

The only positive to Five Minute Profit Sites is that Clickbank handle the payment processing so you can easily get a refund from them.

Five Minute Profit Sites Verdict

I’ve reviewed over 500 systems on this blog and Five Minute Profit Sites does NOT rank highly. It’s a scam website that will never deliver on the promises of $500 a day. You’ll only end up wasting your time and money on something that is designed to fail.

Rather than waste your time, check out my “no.1 recommendation” below rated no.1 out of over 500+ systems I’ve personally tested and reviewed.

Before you leave

If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my recommendation below.

It’s helped me earn over $300k in the last 12 months alone:

Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

(This is a 100% free training)

Five Minute Profit Sites - Scam Exposed? [Review] 5

Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.

After reviewing 1000’s of programs, he knows what works and what doesn’t:

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