Looking for a review of Freedom With Writing?
I’ve been taking a closer look and now I’m sharing my honest review and opinion.
If you want to get all the details just keep reading this page because you’ll learn everything you need to know.
Before I start…
If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my no.1 recommendation.
I’ve personally used this to generate over $120k in the last 6 months alone:
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Freedom With Writing Review
Freedom with Writing was created to help link freelance writers to organizations and companies that are in need of their services.
It is described as writers “Ezine” or online “electronic magazine”.
There is a down side to this platform which is the fact that it attempts to connect writers to sites that expect the writer to work for free before starting to earn money for their services.
Freedom with writing can be viewed as an online magazine with articles and list of clients that writers could work with.
A good alternative to this is iwriter.com
You don’t need any money to subscribe to this platform (plus point).
Freedom with Writing doesn’t provide the jobs directly but instead provides links to sites which are nothing other than content farms that pay as little as a dollar for article written.
Freedom With Writing cannot be regarded as a job board mainly because it acts as the middle link between clients (who pay peanuts like freelancer) and writers. This clients majorly want the writers to trend rather than actually write.
How Does Freedom With Writing Work?
Constant content would be one of the various clients that would be offered to you by Freedom With Writing.
But you need to be careful because Constant Content is very strict about what content they accept and the one’s they reject.
Your work getting rejected by Constant Content regularly could result in you to been banned.
This information is left out by Freedom For Writing to its users.
Then, there are some sites or clients that require little to no skill.
There is a big chance these sites sell your info to a third party client resulting in numerous spams in your email.
So, it is advisable to read their terms and conditions carefully.
Setting aside the down sides, Freedom with Writing actually provides informative and great articles on writing in general and topics relating to writing.
Two different camps exists which have different thoughts about Freedom with Writing with both of them having valid and concise points.
On one side, we have those that feel the information given on Freedom with Writing is useful to them and are satisfied with the little amount of money paid for jobs.
On the other side, we have those that feel the platform is incompetent and are lacking the most important factor which is the job themselves.
The ones that are dissatisfied with the service feel that the pay offered by the clients is way too low and the writer would be at loss if the time and energy input were to be considered.
Nevertheless, the founder of Freedom with Writing actually declares up front that the site is not responsible for providing jobs but was created just to link writers to those who have jobs.
This act could be considered noble but it would be better if Freedom with Writing was stricter in the selection process of the type of work that is offered by the third party clients to writers.
In as much as the Clients do not turn out to be spammers who just need you to pay to join their site in exchange for loads of spam, this is considered a valuable service.
Since Joining Freedom with Writing is free, you could try it out yourself just to see if you would like it but keep in mind that any job you get comes through their clients and is therefore subjected to their terms and agreement and not Freedom with Writing terms.
I feel it is impossible to make a standard living with this service similar to the small earnings you make from survey sites like survey junkie and survey voices but you should be able to gather up some little change for petty things and minor expenses.
But if you look at the effort you would put into working so such low pay, is it worth it?
Freedom With Writing Verdict
Freedom With Writing is certainly not a scam, but would I recommend it?
Not exactly for the simple reason that I don’t believe you would earn much money and I think sites like iWriter are a better alternative for making money from writing articles.
If you’re interested in making a full time income online then forget about article writing completely because you’ll never earn a considerable amount unless you are extremely good (instead check out my no.1 recommendation below).
Before you leave…
If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my no.1 recommendation.
I’ve personally used this to generate over $120k in the last 6 months alone:
Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online
(This is a 100% free training)
Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.
After reviewing 1000’s of programs, he knows what works and what doesn’t: