Looking for a review of Quantum Ad Code?
I just stumbled across the Quantum Ad Code website claiming it could help me make an extra $13k per day. That is a huge amount of money and the website even claims that it won’t cost me a penny to get started so what’s the deal here? Is the Quantum Ad Code actually legit or just another scam?
I decided to investigate and now I’m sharing my honest review down below.
Before I start…
If you’re sick of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my no.1 recommendation.
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Quantum Ad Code Review
When I landed on the website for Quantum Ad Code I instantly recognised the video. Truth be told the Quantum Ad Code has been rebranded numerous times before to promote various things. I remember a couple of years back this was actually called “Quantum Code” and it promoted binary options. Since times have moved on and binary options seem to have died it looks like they have rebranded it again to promote a different system.
The one thing that remains truth is that Quantum Ad Code looks like your typical get rich quick scam promising ridiculous amounts of income. It’s rather similar to other websites I have exposed recently such as desktop commission system and secret society of millionaires. It’s a real shame that these websites can’t just promote legitimate business opportunities since there are a few out there but I guess they’d rather mislead their visitors.
As the website states you can “make an extra $13,671.32 per day using the QuantumAdCode” which is obviously a huge amount. It’s also a very specific amount. I do have to question why they put down such an exact amount when I am pretty sure that even if this was legitimate you wouldn’t be earning that. The obvious truth though is that you are not going to make anywhere near that kind of income.
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If you were to make that much per day you would be pulling in nearly 5 million a year. Let’s say that on average 500 people a day are visiting this website. Are you really believing that 500 people are each making 5 million a year from this site? It’s all hype and it’s designed to suck you into it. It’s probably the most hyped up website of it’s kind and I am surprised that anyone really believes they can earn that much.
Quantum Ad Code – Who Is Michael Crawford?
When you start watching the video you see some things like mansions, expensive cars and private jets. Then a man steps out of a private jet and starts talking to you introducing himself as Michael Crawford.
This guy has appeared on numerous versions of the Quantum Ad Code website as I briefly mentioned earlier in this article. He claims to have been featured in Forbes and a number of other well known publications.
When I actually did some research I wasn’t able to find any mention of him anywhere. That leads me to believe that the owners behind this system have hired an actor and that the Michael Crawford character is actually just a made up person.
Unfortunately the majority of people who land on the Quantum Ad Code website will never bother to actually do their research and find out whether these claims are legit, but as you can see in the image I took of the video the guy claims to have been in Inc, CNN, Forbes and the Wall Street Journal.
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Truth be told he’s not been in any of these, at least I couldn’t find them. The owners behind the Quantum Ad Code website have simply created the website and put these big name brands there so that it makes them appear more legitimate. It’s the same reason they hired an actor and a private jet. The creators of the Quantum Ad Code website probably spent 6-figures creating this video by the time they hired all the fancy houses and private jets and it’s all there to create an illusion so that you think they are legitimate.
How Does Quantum Ad Code Work?
When you enter your details on the Quantum Ad Code website you are forwarded to another website. The man called “Michael Crawford” talks to you from inside of his house. This is most likely a mansion that they rented and he’s just reading a script off his laptop. Anyway on that page he talks to you about how this version 8 of their quantum software and they have perfected it so that it works far better.
There’s a few things very wrong with this page that I just want to point out before we go any further.
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In fact let me list them in bullet points:
- Fake trust badges such as VeriSign, McAfee and SSL
- Bold earnings from “a couple clicks”
- Fake timer saying you’re spot will expire
It’s not unusual for these trust symbols to be abused by websites like Quantum Ad Code. It happens all the time however it’s not right when these are legitimate companies making the internet a safer place and then a website like this just puts their logos on their website falsely. Also the timer is complete BS because you are told that you literally have just 10 minutes to actually get in otherwise your spot will expire.
This again is a lie because you could easily refresh the page, or hit the back button and re-sign up and just like magic your 10 minutes will be back.
It’s easy though for them to fool newbies. After all I have reviewed and exposed literally 100’s of systems over the past few years. I can land on a website and spot a scam extremely easily but that’s because I have the experience. Unfortunately your average joe newbie won’t realise that these things are fake.
Fortunately for you, you decided to look for a review and learn the real truth which is why you landed here.
Is Quantum Ad Code Really Free?
Of course it’s not free. If it was how would they actually make money?
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What really happens is you are told that the Quantum Ad Code is free but that’s just for the software.
They won’t charge you to use their software to trade but you will need to sign up and actually create an account at Clicks Dealer which claims it’s a platform for you to make money from flipping advertising. Basically you sign up and apparently you can make money from their advertising platform.
I’m not going to get into the details of Clicks Dealer (as my review is coming soon) but I can tell you that the platform is pure BS.
How Quantum Ad Code Scam Really Works…
Here’s how it really works.
You land on the Quantum Ad Code website where you are told that you can make a fortune. Sounds amazing right?
You decide to enter your details and watch a few more videos which gets you even more excited about it. Plus it’s free so there’s nothing to lose.
You are then told that in order to start making money you need to sign up for Clicks Dealer. The website is free to join but to actually start making the money you need to place a deposit. Don’t worry though it’s just a deposit and then the Quantum Ad Code software version 8 will actually work for you, doing all the heavy lifting and making your money on autopilot. And also you can withdraw that deposit you made at any time.
The minimum deposit amount is $200, but it’s your money you can withdraw it so don’t worry at all.
When you go ahead and make that deposit a few things happen:
- Quantum Ad Code owners get paid (they get paid for referring you)
- Clicks Dealer sales people call you
- They try and get you to deposit a much larger amount
This scam works no different to binary options. Just instead of binary options they have re-branded into some weird advertising platform that is pure BS.
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Let’s get one thing straight. People who run major advertising campaigns do it on literally 1 of 3 websites:
- YouTube
Okay there’s a few more random websites and advertising networks that people use, but they don’t use random traffic websites.
In my honest opinion Clicks Dealer is probably just a scam website that offers no real advertising.
And Quantum Ad Code has a proven history of scamming people.
Quantum Ad Code Conclusion
After taking a closer look I realised I have seen this website numerous times before. It was probably the biggest binary options scam of it’s time a year or 2 ago and now it’s trying to cash in again with some bogus advertising platform.
The only people cashing in on this website are the owners and the people who promote it as affiliates.
If you sign up and go through the instructions to deposit money I can guarantee you will never see it again.
Rather than waste your time, you should check out my “no.1 recommendation” below which is a real and proven system.
Before you leave
If you’re sick of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my no.1 recommendation.
It’s helped me earn over $300,000 in the last 12 months alone:
Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online
(This is a 100% free training)
Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.
After reviewing 1000’s of programs, he knows what works and what doesn’t: