Looking for a review of the secret $50 Shark Investing Blueprint ?
The Secret $50 Shark Investing Blueprint is a new program I recently stumbled across from Kevin Harrington although it is not Kevin who actually provides the content and training inside of the program.
Kevin is obviously a very well known business person and appears on Shark Tank so I was keen to understand more about the $50 Shark Investing Blueprint.
I’ve now put together an honest review and I’m sharing the details below.
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Secret $50 Shark Investing Blueprint Review
Here is what I’ll cover inside this review:
Table of Contents
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What Is The Secret $50 Shark Investing Blueprint?
The $50 Shark Investing Blueprint (also referred to as the Secret Shark Investing Blueprint) by Kevin Harrington is a sales pitch for Ray Blanco’s Technology Profits Confidential.
I’ve been sharing reviews of various similar programs recently like Straight Line Profits and Tim Sykes’ Weekend Profits.
The Secret $50 Shark Investing Blueprint presentation is all about investing in startups and how it is lucrative because they have the potential to grow so large from a tiny initial investment.
The challenge is to find the right companies to invest in. And that’s where Kevin comes in; he does the research and analysis and lets you in on the startups that have what it takes to be winners.
He uses a system he calls The Appraisal System.
It is inspired by Sotheby’s (Auction House) and uses the following criteria to judge startup viability:
- It checks whether the company is creating a product or service that people love.
- It investigates whether the company is solving a common problem affecting millions of people.
- It ensures that the startup is being led by a team of visionaries.
- It checks whether the company has an edge over the competition to safeguard its profits.
Every Month, Kevin puts a list of startups through his system and sends Ray a list of those that meet all four requirements. Ray then puts them through his own wringer to filter out the duds.
Ray then sends the ones that make it through the entire process to the readers of his monthly newsletter, Technology Profits Confidential.
Not all recommendations succeed, but the ones that do, offset the losses.
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Who Is Behind The Secret $50 Shark Investing Blueprint?
Kevin Harrington
Kevin Harrington is an investor, business executive, and author.
He was one of the original “sharks” on the popular investment TV show, Shark Tank.
He made his fortune as the “inventor of the Infomercial.”
He is also the founder of “As Seen on TV.”
He is the director of Startup Investing for Ray’s advisory service, Technology Profits Confidential.
Ray Blanco
Ray Blanco has been with Seven Figure Publishing for nine years.
He edits a host of investment newsletters through the publisher; including Technology Profits Confidential (which he co-edits with Kevin Harrington).
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How Does $50 Shark Investing Blueprint Work?
Towards the end of the presentation, Kevin mentions that he and Ray have identified one startup that can make you rich by the end of the year.
Everything you need to know about it can be found in a report called One Life-Changing Startup… for a Six-Figure Payday.
To get your hands on the report, you must subscribe to Ray’s newsletter, Technology Profits Confidential.
As a member of this advisory service, you receive one startup recommendation every month.
All recommendations have to be stress-tested by both Ray and Kevin.
In addition to that, you receive the following bonuses when you join Ray’s newsletter:
- A copy of the Startup Investing Playbook. It is a guide that outlines everything you need to know about investing in startups. Think of it as a collection of secrets and tips on how to navigate the world of startups as an investor.
- A free invite to The Annual Startup Investing Roundtable. During this event, you meet both Ray and Kevin as well as other investors. It is a good networking opportunity.
- A bonus report titled Own Dozens of America’s Hottest Startups… for Less Than $10.
- A copy of a free report called How to Build Your Million-Dollar Startup Portfolio.
Subscription Fee
You get all that for $49.
If the newsletter does not deliver as promised, you can ask for a full refund within six months (180 days) of subscribing.
Is Secret $50 Shark Investing Blueprint A Scam?
$50 Shark Investing Blueprint is not a Scam.
Although it sounds like make-believe when Kevin says you can make millions on just a few investments, it is true.
It has happened before for people who invested in companies that went on to become blue-chip.
Remember, Amazon, Facebook, and Google also began as startups.
Of course, some stocks will fail but that doesn’t mean the entire strategy is a scam.
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Pros of $50 Shark Investing Blueprint
- This blueprint enables you to buy shares of pre-IPO companies while they are cheap, or at least cheaper than they get when they become a success in the stock market.
- You do not need to be an experienced trader to join the service.
- There are numerous investment opportunities since startups are created every other day.
- You only need a small initial investment. Even $50 will suffice.
Cons of $50 Shark Investing Blueprint
- Investing in unproven companies is risky. You need many things to go your way otherwise, you can lose all your money
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Verdict For Secret s$50 Shark Investing Blueprint
If you want to generate wealth from humble capital investment, putting your money in startups is one of a few ways you can achieve it.
However, it is difficult to find the right startup to put your money in.
You need expert guidance from someone who’s been in the scene long enough to find the startups with the best chances of becoming big companies.
Remember, you should only invest small amounts because statistically, more startups fail than succeed.
The blueprint only helps you find companies that have the potential to become winners.
Before you leave
If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my recommendation below.
It’s helped me earn over $300k in the last 12 months alone:
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Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.
After reviewing 1000’s of programs, he knows what works and what doesn’t: