Today I’m taking a look at new system called Copy My Websites to see what it’s all about and whether it’s actually any good!
You can read my full review to get all the details on what this system is about, however I’m going to be unorthodox here and jump straight to my conclusion that I am not recommending Copy My Websites. You can see my full recommendation below…
Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online!
Copy My Websites – What’s It About?
I’ve just been taking a look at Copy My Websites and to be quite honest it’s a piece of crap. Sorry if that language offends you but that’s just how I feel about it. Their website states that you can make $1,000 a day starting straight away and that the guy is literally going to copy his websites for you (hence the name) but it’s a complete load of BS.
The sales video goes into detail about how Jake is going to copy his websites and you can literally just make money because he is already successful and you are going to be able to “copy” him and be successful. The thing that annoys me about this system is that it will fool many newbies into thinking that this is how you make money. If you tell a newbie who has no idea how the internet and making money actually works that you will just “copy” your successful website and they can use it to make money then it will SEEM like you are being truthful.
In reality when someone more experienced like myself looks at Copy My Websites and actually understands how money is made on the internet I instantly see SCAM because I know that “copying” a website in order to make money just won’t work. This guy is literally signing up 100’s of people to his website every week and there is no way that him copying his websites would help anyone to make money. This is what frustrates me because I know for a fact that this will not work as I have many years of experience making money online and I know what works and I know what doesn’t work. I also know from experience when I was a newbie after getting sucked into these kind of scams that they don’t work.
This is what I call a “get rich quick scam” and is similar to other scams like Copy My Commissions and Prove My Profits.
Conclusion – Avoid Copy My Websites
I could go into more details about why I am not recommending Copy My Websites however I don’t really see the point. I think you are coming here because you are curious about this product and wanted to know whether it’s legit or a scam and I’m here to tell you it is definitely a scam. Do not bother wasting your time with this system because it won’t make you a penny.
If you want to see something that actually works then I recommend you check out my #1 recommendation. It’s a system I’ve been using for the past few months and it’s making me 5-figures per month in commissions. This system can give you the exact training you need to actually go from wherever you are right now to making real money online.
Go here to see my #1 recommendation for making money online!
Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.
After reviewing 1000’s of programs, he knows what works and what doesn’t: