Welcome to my review of The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413,” the title of a presentation by George Gilder.
It involves an event that first happened in 1985, creating one of the greatest moneymaking opportunities in history.
If you would like to learn more about this moneymaking opportunity and whether there is any substance to Gilder’s assertions, you are at the right place.
After sitting through the presentation, I decided to put this together to walk you through the main points he raised to help you make sense of what it is all about.
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The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413” Review
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Introduction to The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413”
The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413” is a presentation by George Gilder and its premise was to get more people to subscribe to his newsletter, The George Gilder Report.
George begins the presentation talking about a decision made by the federal government that culminated in something he refers to as Docket 81-413.
He says that modern technological applications like laptops, phones, video streaming services, and the companies behind them wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Docket 81-413.
If you weren’t following him in the 1980s and missed out on his recommendations, George claims that you have a second chance to capitalize on it.
He says that there is a computer chip involved that allows devices to access the 6GHz part of the wireless communication spectrum.
George explains that he is not the only one excited about the computer chip because “every single major tech firm in America is backing it.” He also refers to it as the single-most valuable technology of the 21st Century.
So, what is Docket 81-413?
As George puts it, for most of the 20th century, the federal government controlled the electromagnetic spectrum. It had a monopoly over wireless communications.
Then an FCC staffer called Michael Marcus decided to challenge this control. He made his case and it culminated in Docket 81-413 through which the government gave up 2.4 GHz of the electromagnetic spectrum to private entities.
George Gilder calls this the “unlicensed spectrum.”
It also gave rise to spectrum sharing, which came to be when the new bandwidth was “unleashed.”
He tells us that spectrum sharing allowed innovators to come up with protocols like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and even the internet itself.
George Gilder says,
Docket 81-413 allowed creative new tech firms to innovate the spectrum for WIRELESS communications.
In that instant, the modern world was born.
When you log on to the internet using your home router… you’re using the unlicensed spectrum.
When you stream a video to your smartphone… you’re using the unlicensed spectrum.
When you download or use an app… you’re using the unlicensed spectrum.
Even a baby monitor or remote-controlled garage door – they all use the tiny sliver of spectrum that Docket 81-413 freed up.
According to him, companies that made use of this “unlicensed spectrum” have a combined valuation of $9 trillion (which explains the title of the presentation).
(To learn more about Dr. Michael Marcus, read this article that delineates his professional achievements and his role in the commercialization of the unlicensed spectrum).
What is Docket 18-295?
People who took advantage of Docket 81-413 became wealthy and Gilder believes it is too late for those who didn’t to stake a claim, until now.
This brings us to Docket 18-295.
He tells us that FCC introduced a new directive in July 2020 to introduce Docket 18-295.
He doesn’t explicitly say it but it was not that hard to tell that he was talking about the 5G auction; sometimes he refers to 5G as “the 6Hz band.”
Gilder talks about the profit opportunities that come with the 5G buildout and says that if you find the right companies to invest in, you can earn huge returns.
He has identified three companies that he wants you to consider investing in. He’s written a special report detailing them called Three Spectrum Millionaire Makers.
Three Spectrum Millionaire Makers
As I mentioned above, George Gilder has identified three companies that he sees doing well as the 5G buildout gathers steam. In the presentation, he describes the special report and offers hints as to the identities of the stocks:
It [SPECIAL REPORT] contains a full write-up on three specific businesses that I strongly recommend you consider.
I just told you about the first company. It’s is easily the world’s #1 “spectrum sharing” technology firm. It had chipsets built within a month of the government even legalizing the 6 GHz band. It supplies Apple, Google, Microsoft (all trillion dollar companies), and scores of others. If firms want to roll new devices out, they’ll need this company’s tech.
The last time I recommended this stock, it soared more than 20x in the next four years – and it’s a must own once again.
The second stock you’ll hear about is going to be central to bringing this new technology right into your home. It already supplies close to 58 million homes and businesses across America. Its network is already growing at an exponential rate – doubling roughly every 18-24 months. As Wi-Fi 6E rolls out across America it’s THIS company that will likely be on the frontlines.
Chances are, this company could soon be installing its tech in your neighborhood – or even your home.
The third stock you’ll hear about just made one of the smartest acquisitions in its history. It now supplies nine of the world’s top ten global internet network operators – and the top six internet content providers.
I’ve known one of the founders of this company for more than two decades, so this company has been on my radar for a while – and now is the time to make your move.
To get your hands on Three Spectrum Millionaire Makers, you have to subscribe to the George Gilder Report. However, you don’t have to subscribe just to reveal the identities of the stocks because after doing some research, I was able to reveal their identities:
The first one manufactures chipsets and is a supplier to some big companies. Gilder reveals more information on it when he says:
In January, every major router firm announced its Wifi 6E tech. That means you’re going to start to see it appearing on shelves (and inside homes and businesses) very soon indeed.
That gives you – at the outside – a few weeks before this story breaks out into the open.
But don’t think you can wait around until then to make your move…
You see, I’ve discovered that the computer chips required to tap into the new 6 GHz band are already available on the market right now.
I’m betting they’re actually inside new “Wi-Fi 6E” routers already.
And they’re made by a company that already supplies high end computer chips to some of the biggest companies in the world. I’m talking about:
Ford Motors
George claims that it was making chipsets just one month after the government did the 5G auction.
A company that matches this description is Qualcomm. Qualcomm (QCOM) is a manufacturer of an array of products and it, of course, supplies big tech companies with microchips and other products.
The second company that he describes supplies close to 58 million homes with high speed cable broadband to access this “new technology” (5G). He could be talking about Comcast (CMCSA) because it supplies internet broadband services to 58 million households. It also owns Xfinity Mobile, which is heavily involved in the 5G rollout.
The third company supplies nine of the world’s top ten global internet network operators and the top six internet content providers.
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Who is George Gilder?
George Franklin Gilder is a well-known American investor, writer, economist and co-founder of the Discovery Institute.
Born in 1939, he attended Exeter Academy and Harvard University. Gilder is a regular contributor to the Forbes magazine and used to run a widely popular newsletter called Gilder Technology Report, that was published by the firm. You can find its archives here.
Over the years he has written for publications like the Harvard Business Review, The Economist, The American Spectator, and The Wall Street Journal, among others.
George Gilder is also a published author of a couple of best selling books. His latest one is called Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy. It is about the fall of big companies that rely on the Big Data model that he thinks will be displaced by the Blockchain.
George Gilder is on the editorial team of an independent boutique publishing firm called Three Founders Publishing. There, he publishes a couple of investment advisory services, including The George Gilder Report, Gilder’s Moonshots, The Great Barrington Project, and Gilder’s Daily Prophecy.
Gilder’s Millionaire Circle is a subscription plan that gives you access to all of his financial analysis and advice ― including the publications he launches in the future.
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What You Get When You Join The George Gilder Report
The main reason George Gilder even did the presentation was to get more people to join The George Gilder Report.
It is a financial newsletter that is published by Three Founders Publishing.
According to George, there are three stocks that are set to profit from the 5G rollout and he wants you to invest in them.
You can learn more about them by reading the report he prepared called Three Spectrum Millionaire Makers. As we’ve already seen, the only way to get your hands on a free copy is to sign up for The George Gilder Report.
In addition to the first report, you are entitled to a free copy of Life After Google and Life After Google: The Missing Chapter. The missing chapter is an extra chapter of the book that is not in the copy selling on Amazon.
You will also have access to additional reports with more investment opportunities.
They include:
- The Truth About Artificial Intelligence
- Our Robot Future
- The True 5G Revolution
- Immediate access to “Gilder 360″
- Ask me almost anything
On top of that, you will be subscribed to three free e-letters, namely Gilder’s Daily Prophecy, One Last Thing, and the 5 Minute Forecast.
The George Gilder Report Subscription Fee and Refund Policy
A one-year subscription to the George Gilder Report costs $49 if you join via the link provided at the end of the presentation.
There are other tiers to the subscription besides the one you pay $49 for (it is called “Basic Digital-Only Subscription.”)
Another one is called “Very Best Deal” and it costs $79 for a one-year membership to The George Gilder Report. It gives you everything you get with the first one as well as delivering the newsletters by mail and a free bonus report called A Bonus Moonshot Play.
The last subscription plan is called “Premium Subscription.” It costs $129 for an annual subscription to The George Gilder Report and the higher fee is charged because you get the newsletter by mail too.
The George Gilder Report has a 6-month money-back guarantee
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Is The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413” Legit?
The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413” is a legit presentation.
When George Gilder talks about Docket 81-413, he is talking about the rules that were instituted by the FCC that opened up the spectrum to engineers and led to the proliferation of wireless protocols like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
These changes were agitated by an FCC engineer called Dr. Michael Marcus who is widely regarded as an important part of the move to commercialize the spectrum.
That being said, although the presentation is legit, the three stocks that Gilder is urging people to acquire may not necessarily do well because the market cannot be predicted — there are no guarantees.
George Gilder is not the first person to hype up 5G because he joins other gurus who have told us to invest in 5G-related stocks for the better part of the past few months. They all cite 5G’s ability to fast-track the emergence and growth of other industries and modern technology like artificial intelligence, autonomous cars, and IoT, just to mention a few because it expands network capacity.
Even Gilder himself once released a pitch titled “Don’t buy 5G Stocks, Buy 15G Instead.”
By 15G he didn’t mean that there would be a 15th generation network protocol, rather he was saying that you could invest in 5G companies that would deliver thrice the returns of the usual suspects (3 x 5G).
The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413” Verdict
The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413” was meant to promote The George Gilder Report. If you haven’t encountered his work before, George used to be the go-to guy when it came to predicting the big trends in the tech industry, particularly in the nineties when he published Gilder Technology Report.
He is trying to recapture past glory with his new services, which also involve making predictions about the technology industry.
We cannot ascertain whether his predictions will come true because the 5G rollout will take time. To stay safe, if you are going to follow his advice, do not invest more than you are prepared to lose.
To be fair to him, the past decade has seen important technological developments with people showing great interest more than ever in smart devices and new technology.
In this new marketing campaign for the George Gilder Report, he talks about new bands of the wireless spectrum that are up for sale. If the past is any indication of what’s about to happen, George believes that there will be numerous investment opportunities courtesy of the “strange little devices” that will be made.
The only way to find out more about these and other similar investments is to subscribe to The George Gilder Report.
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David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.