“The 2020 Crash Profits Event” [Nomi Prins Review]

Looking for a review of The 2020 Crash Profits Event by Nomi Prins?

I recently saw a promotion for the 2020 crash profits event so I decided to check it out to see what it was about.

Considering that the presentation was about how you can profit from the coronavirus crash, I wanted to see what Nomi intends to do to help her readers navigate the crisis.

I’ve researched it to find out more and put together an honest review sharing pros and cons.

Keep reading below to get all the info.

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"The 2020 Crash Profits Event" [Nomi Prins Review] 7

The 2020 Crash Profits Event Review

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Introduction to The 2020 Crash Profits Event

The 2020 Crash Profits Event is a presentation cum interview featuring Nomi Prins of Paradigm Press. It is indirectly meant to market her investment research service, Dark Money Millionaires.

The 2020 Crash Profits Event by Nomi Prins

The presentation begins by acknowledging the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the economy – that it has gone into a recession and created a situation where people will lose jobs and wealth.

However, Nomi has a strategy that can allow investors to make money even when the markets are bearish. She calls her strategy the “flipping charts” strategy. Not to be confused with Flip Trades another similar sounding strategy I recently reviewed.

Nomi says that she will be closely monitoring various reports that are going to be released by the Fed in the coming weeks because they will give us a holistic picture of the state of the economy and enable us to adjust our outlooks.

Out of those reports, she says that the most important one will be the employment figures.

Towards the end of the presentation, she reveals the number one sector you should invest in and another sector you should avoid in the current climate.

Having gone through the entire presentation, I can reveal that she wants you to avoid companies in the travel and leisure business and double down on companies that supply consumer essentials.

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Who is behind The 2020 Crash Profits Event?

Although Pete Coyne, the publisher at Paradigm Press, was involved in producing the event, it is all about Nomi Prins.

Nomi is considered a “Wall Street insider” because she had a successful career working for some of the most notable firms there.

Although she started as a quantitative analyst (programmer), she went on to hold major roles in companies like Bear Stearns and Goldman Sachs.

However, she left all that because she couldn’t stand the greed that her colleagues and superiors showed in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

She decided to let her humanity prevail and now she spends her time exposing the unethical practices on Wall Street as well as expose retail investors to the strategies she learned while she worked for the prestigious firms.

She now shares her insights via Paradigm Press. I have reviewed some of her previous works on 25 Cent Contracts and Dark Money Spikes.

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How does The 2020 Crash Profits Event Work?

Nomi Prins’ strategy allows her to target stocks that are plummeting (and due to the coronavirus crash, we haven’t got a shortage of them).

To take advantage of bearish stocks, she recommends that you use put options rather than short them.

To identify the stocks that are likely to fall in value, she uses a proprietary program that takes in a couple of variables and extrapolates where a stock is likely to head. The most important variable is what Nomi refers to as “Dark Money.”

She explains that this refers to the money brought into the market by the Fed as it implements the monetary policy.

She believes that the flow of dark money is one of the best ways to predict the direction in which the market is headed.

Later in the presentation, she reveals that her strategy doesn’t just go for falling stocks, she also has a way of capitalizing on market rebounds (positive movement). In this case, she recommends call options.

Her strategy is the basis of her investment advisory service, Dark Money Millionaires.

If you subscribe to her service, you will receive:

  • New recommendations sent your way regularly.
  • The Dark Money monitor primer
  • The Dark Money portal. She sends you exclusive messages with five special links.
  • Video alerts called “Dark Money Insiders” through which she shares new information she gathers on the ground.
  • A bonus invitation to the Paradigm Press summit.

Subscription Fee

The subscription fee for one year of Dark Money Millionaires is $2,495.

Performance Guarantee

If Nomi’s recommendations throughout your first year fail to make you at least $50,000, she is going to let you join any other service she offers that costs up to $3,000 for free.

In other words, there are NO REFUNDS.

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Is The 2020 Crash Profits Event Legit?

The 2020 Crash Profits Event is legit.

This event comes in the wake of another event that Nomi Prins previously hosted where she showed her followers how to flip the charts. Following the results of that event, audience members who followed her advice have since seen positive returns in their portfolios.

It also helps that Nomi has had a great career working for some of the biggest companies in the world of finance.

While that doesn’t mean that we should take her word as the be-all and end-all, it signifies that she has the qualifications to be giving her perspective on how you can handle your investments during a crisis.

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Pros of The 2020 Crash Profits Event

  • Nomi’s strategy enables you to create positive returns out of a volatile market. This could hedge you against further losses if you have taken a hit so far.
  • Her plays are easy to follow because she provides you with detailed instructions on how to place them.

Cons of The 2020 Crash Profits Event

  • Like all other trades, even Nomi’s recommendations are subject to risk and may fail to work out as she expects. Therefore, don’t invest all your money in these plays.

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The 2020 Crash Profits Event Verdict

At a time when the market is in recession, it is helpful to have someone like Nomi Prins who has a trading strategy that takes advantage of the situation to make money.

Although her strategy is multidimensional, the most significant thing right now is that it is tailored to stocks that are falling. This means that she hasn’t had a shortage of targets during the coronavirus-induced market crash.

If the crash has eroded a significant portion of your investments, you could use a strategy that can help you recoup some of your money. Nomi appears to have a viable solution to that and it would be prudent of you to see what she’s talking about.

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David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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