What Is “America’s Boldest Financial Experiment” by Jeff Clark?

Welcome to my review of America’s Boldest Financial Experiment

Over the past few weeks, Jeff Clark has been heavily promoting his new presentation where he claims that he has found a way to quickly make money from the markets.

In the video, he demonstrates the effectiveness of his strategy by using his returns to purchase items at a store without touching his initial investment, which sounds enticing.

But is it a viable way to trade and earn money off of the market?

In this review, I will be walking you through how his system works, what Jeff is offering and promoting, and whether I think it is worth trying out. Keep reading to learn more.

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What Is "America's Boldest Financial Experiment" by Jeff Clark? 7

America’s Boldest Financial Experiment Review

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Introduction to America’s Boldest Financial Experiment

America’s Boldest Financial Experiment is a pitch by Jeff Clark during which he discusses his options-based investment strategy and its ability to generate returns quickly and reliably. He claims to have mastered how to trade options in a way that ALMOST guarantees him to make money — whether the markets are bullish or bearish.

Besides talking about his trading strategy, he uses the presentation to renew interest in his options trading investment newsletter, Jeff Clark Trader.

Jeff has been relatively active of late pitching his newsletter. In fact, I recently reviewed another of his video presentations titled The 5 Minute Money Multiplier where he was also touting the newsletter and talking up his trading strategy.

America's Boldest Financial Experiment

In my review of the newsletter a couple of months back, I pointed out that the newsletter targets people who are new to options trading. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise that he asserts that in order to follow his trading strategy, you do not need any special skill.

His only caveat is that you need to have some initial capital, a retirement nest egg that you can use to implement his recommendations.

Otherwise, you don’t need stock market trading experience. In fact, all you need is either a computer or a phone with good internet connectivity and a brokerage account. The recommendations you need to implement will take you a few minutes.

By following his advice, Jeff Clark estimates that you can earn hundreds or thousands of dollars every year from trading. Now, it goes without saying that the profits you earn will depend on how much you invest. 

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Who Is Behind America’s Boldest Financial Experiment?

Jeff Clark is an investment guru and a former money manager who’s been active in the financial services industry for many years. Over the course of his career, he has managed money for wealth clients and learned invaluable lessons about the market in the process. 

When he decided to stop working for wealthy people and, instead, focus on retail investors, he decided to implement the lessons he’d learned during his illustrious career. He does that by editing and publishing newsletters like Jeff Clark Delta Report. I have also encountered a few of his presentations and reviewed them. Off the top of my head, I can recall covering Flip Trades and The S-Force Method.

As you can tell, he has been prolific and America’s Boldest Financial Experiment is the latest iteration of him touting his options-trading strategy.

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How Does America’s Boldest Financial Experiment Work?

According to Jeff Clark, options trading is one of the best and most effective ways to turn a profit as a trader. He sees options as the best means to reduce your investment risks and leverage your returns. 

If you are new to options trading and would like to know how you they work from his perspective, you should read his special report called The Ultimate Guide to Generating Income with Options.

The report explores different types of options trading strategies that you can implement to minimize the risk factor associated with options. One of his favorites is a technique he refers to as Gain Amplifier that he says is meant to amplify your returns 3x, 5x, or even 10x by merely executing one trade.

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In addition to that guide, you will receive another special report titled The 3-Stock Retirement Blueprint. This dossier explains his 3-stock strategy that entails him identifying three good stocks and trading their options repeatedly. 

The stocks he uses keep changing depending on the economic climate and movements in the market; therefore, he doesn’t just pick three stocks and stick by them even when they underperform.

If you want to read the two reports, then you must sign up for Jeff Clark TraderIt’s Jeff Clark’s beginner advisory service, as evidenced by his keenness to educate his subscribers on how options work. 

As a subscriber, you will get access to Jeff Clark’s latest trading ideas along with full, in-depth analysis, trade recommendations, timely updates, an 8-part video training series, and more. 

Subscription Fee

The usual subscription price of Jeff Clark Trader is $199 per year. But, if you sign up via the presentation, you only pay $19 for one year. 

Pros of America’s Boldest Financial Experiment 

  • It introduces us to Jeff Clark options-trading strategy.
  • The subscription price is relatively low.
  • You will receive bonus reports.

Cons of America’s Boldest Financial Experiment 

  • Jeff barely scratches the surface of his options strategy. Although we can’t expect him to divulge everything about his strategy, a few pointers can enable us to better decide whether his newsletter is worth joining.

Is America’s Boldest Financial Experiment Legit?

America’s Boldest Financial Experiment is legit.

I don’t think there is a major change to his approach from what we’ve seen from him in previous presentations. And since I deemed those presentations legit, I don’t see anything that could lead me to change my assessment of his latest presentation.

I still think he is an experienced investor with a good track record. He has designed this strategy to help regular investors earn profits by trading options.

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America’s Boldest Financial Experiment Verdict

America’s Boldest Financial Experiment by Jeff is focused on options trading. He paints options trading as a means to earn more returns than dealing with regular stock. Options not only leverage your investment, they also subject you to comparatively fewer risks.

So, considering these facts, if you are interested in learning more about options trading, you should try out Jeff Clark Trader at $19 per year. 

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What Is "America's Boldest Financial Experiment" by Jeff Clark? 7

David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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