What is Biotech’s 100 Year Flood? [Keith Kohl]

Keith Kohl’s “Biotech’s 100 Year Flood” presentation has been getting a lot of attention, but what is it all about?

Keith claims that we are about to see an unprecedented increase in the approval of essential treatments by the FDA and that there will be biotech stocks that could go up by 2,375% or more in the weeks ahead.

In this article, we take a look at what Keith is talking about to learn more about what he is talking about and whether his claims are legit.

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What is Biotech's 100 Year Flood? [Keith Kohl] 7

Biotech’s 100 Year Flood Review

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Introduction to Biotech’s 100 Year Flood

Keith Kohl of Angel Publishing released a pitch about “Biotech’s ‘100 Year Flood'” where the focus was on the biotechnology industry, which has been outperforming other sectors particularly in 2020 and 2021. He also discusses how you can make a lot of money by investing in biotech stock. 

As some industries suffered due to the pandemic and the fallout, the biotechnology sector thrived. This was largely due to massive interest and investment that was brought about by COVID-19 research.

Biotech's 100 Year Flood

This attention on COVID-19 had the side effect of causing delays in the FDA approval processes for other non-COVID drugs because the agency had to divert its attention to emergency trials and inspections for COVID therapies and vaccines.

Keith points out that everything else had to wait in line. However, since many vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 have made it through the approval process, the FDA is now ready to concentrate on the other drugs that were pending.

He claims that billions of dollars will flood out of the FDA pipeline and as this backlog of new biotech discoveries get approval, we will see a surge of new drugs getting into the market. He says that Harvard researchers estimated that there is an estimated $125 billion worth of discoveries waiting their turn in the FDA pipeline.

Biotech's 100 Year FloodAs these drugs get released, Keith thinks that the smartest thing to do is buy shares of the biotech companies behind them before they get approval. He sees this as a great way to grow your nest egg because FDA approval means a lot for small biotech firms.

This has often been something other newsletter gurus have pointed out when recommending biotech companies. Recall presentations by the likes of Ray Blanco and Michael Robinson where they were talking about companies with the likelihood of getting FDA approval being great investments.

Keith also notes that COVID-19 research fast-tracked the development of mRNA. This is significant because mRNA is now being used for more than just the coronavirus. For example, it is already being used in trials for SARS, Autoimmune disorders, Cystic fibrosis, Lyme disease, and Cancer.

How Keith Identifies Biotech Stocks Worth Investing In

As the FDA pipeline starts approving those drugs, Keith says the next step will be to find the right biotech companies to invest in.

Keith Kohl says he is the right person to point you to the right investments because he has access to the biotech industry’s “inside” which allows him to get right to the bottom of a potential discovery.

He also says that he has a computer program that sifts through the results of literal decades of FDA decisions and uses the data to stack it up next to a new potential drug he is monitoring.

Keith says that this is the exact process that the FDA uses to evaluate drugs that are seeking approval; the agency takes the results of current trials and compares them with how drugs like them in the past worked out. This, he says, is how the FDA finds out whether a drug has potential side effects.

By following the same process the FDA uses, he says that he can do a good job approximating the type of result that the FDA will arrive at.

Once Keith has run a drug through this process, he runs it through a special rating system operated by an exclusive network of 250 doctors and scientists. These experts use their expertise and experience to rank the results and give him a relatively accurate indication of whether a drug will be approved.

He says that his system has accurately delivered the exact figure of a new drug’s probability of making it through the FDA pipeline with an accuracy of up to 64%, 77%, and even 81% in some instances.

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Keith Kohl’s Biotech Recommendations

Having run his system, Keith Kohl says that he has compiled a list of promising biotech companies that are likely to have their drugs approved by the FDA in the weeks ahead. He calls it a “flood list.”

These are the stocks that will be the first ones to hit the market and leapfrog the competition due to advances they’ve made.

He wrote three reports that contain the details of those companies. You can get a free copy of each special report if you sign up for his investment newsletter called Topline Trader.

More details on the three reports to later in this review. First, let’s take a closer look at Keith Kohl’s profile.

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Who is Keith Kohl?

Keith Kohl is an editor for a publishing company called Angel Publishing Investment Research. With more than 300,000 readers, Keith edits newsletters like Energy and Capital, Energy Investor, Topline Trader, and Technology and Opportunity.

Keith Kohl has more than a decade of experience in the finance industry as a writer. He has successfully identified investment opportunities in technology, energy, and other industries. He has a reputation for finding the winning stocks from all over the market.

His followers have used his strategies to make substantial gains by following two things — following Keith Kohl’s recommendations and buying shares in time.

This time, his focus is in the biotech sector.

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How Does Topline Trader Work?

Topline Trader is one of the investment newsletters that Keith Kohl edits at Angel Publishing (it was initially ran by Jason Stutman). He focuses on biotech stocks with this newsletter.

Topline TraderHe finds stocks that are working on new drugs on FDA’s pipeline for approval.

As I mentioned earlier, Keith intends to send you three special reports when you sign up for Topline Trader. The special reports include:

Report #1: “First out of the Floodgates: How to Break the Bank on the FDA’s COVID Bottleneck”

Biotech's 100 Year FloodThe first special report is about biotech stocks with a first-mover advantage. This are the companies that are on the verge of making it out of the FDA pipeline and are likely to be the first ones to get FDA approval.

Report #2: “MRNA Millions: Make a Fortune as Medicine’s Newest Innovations Come to Market”

The second report is about non-COVID mRNA innovations that were in development before the pandemic hit.

Biotech's 100 Year FloodKeith has spotted two small biotech companies that he expects to deliver the next millionaire-making results. They are working on mRNA therapies boosted by all the money that was put into mRNA research during the pandemic.

Report #3: “Cash in Big on Synthetic Biology — The Boldest New Area of the Biotech Market”

This report is about a new technology called “synthetic biology” that Keith Kohl believes is one of the fastest-growing areas of the biotechnology sector. So far, it has grown over 500% in the last ten years.

Biotech's 100 Year FloodSynthetic biology allows scientists to use RNA and DNA to program acids, enzymes, and cellular organisms thus ushering in significant breakthroughs in medicine.

A good example of this is that of a company that has been modifying enzymes to cure gut-related diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, and colon cancer.

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Other subscription benefits include…

  • Full access to Keith Kohl’s latest research details, latest articles, and updates
  • All the picks of Keith Kohl’s trading system.
  • Time-to-time trade alerts, which includes the ticker symbol of the company, recommended entry price, the exact catalyst that will trigger a stock move, the expected date of the trade move, and detailed instructions about how to get in

The Topline Trader Subscription Fee

An annual subscription to the Topline Trader costs $1,999 if you join via the link at the end of the pitch

The Topline Trader Money-Back Guarantee

The Topline Trader advisory service comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee. You receive a full refund if you ask to cancel your membership within 90 days of joining.

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Is Biotech’s 100 Year Flood Legit?

Yes, Biotech’s 100 Year Flood is a legit presentation.

The biotech sector is responsible for delivering completely new drugs and treatments based on groundbreaking technology. Now, before these drugs and treatments are made available to the market for public usage, they go through the FDA regulatory pipeline.

After several months of focusing on COVID-19 related therapies, the FDA has resumed its regular approval schedule and with the backlog of new biotech discoveries to be released, Keith expects a SURGE of new drugs to come to market. This makes it the perfect time to go for Biotech investments that can generate life-changing gains for smart investors who position themselves in time.

Biotech’s 100 Year Flood Verdict

Biotech’s 100 Year Flood is about investing in the biotech sector. Keith Kohl believes that since the biotech sector is growing so fast and is likely to go up even more, now is the perfect time to start investing in the sector. For example, there’s a new technology (synthetic biology) that’s quickly becoming one of the fastest-growing areas of biotech and mRNA research is growing.

Since biotech companies are poised to disrupt not just the healthcare industry, they make for great investments. 

Keith Kohl seeks to help you pick the best biotech stocks available with his system. If you are keen on such investments, his advisory service is worth considering. 

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What is Biotech's 100 Year Flood? [Keith Kohl] 7

David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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