Home Income Millionaire – Scam Exposed? [Review]

Looking for a review of Home Income Millionaire?

The Home Income Millionaire is a new website claiming it can help you easily make $1,000s after watching the video.

It also says that people are making truckloads of money but can you really use it to make money?

I suspect this is yet another scam so keep reading as I share more information exposing it!

Before I start…

If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my recommendation below.

It’s helped me earn over $300k in the last 12 months alone:

Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

(This is a 100% free training)

Home Income Millionaire - Scam Exposed? [Review] 1

Home Income Millionaire Review

Here is what you’ll find inside this Home Income Millionaire review:

What Is The Home Income Millionaire?

The Home Income Millionaire website uses a lot of bold and misleading claims in my opinion.

The program actually costs $97 to get started and trust me if you decide to jump on this you’ll be going round in circles with all the up-sells on offer.

The video doesn’t even tell you what the thing you are actually buying is about, it just throws ridiculous claims of income at you.

It reminds me of other scams I’ve exposed lately such as prime time profits and Viral Dollars.

Take a look at the website:

home income millionaire

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

As you can clearly see the bold headline talks about making $1,000’s I mean YEAH RIGHT.

Look I’ve been making money online full time for 9 years now. I know a thing or two about making money online and I can tell you with 100% accuracy that this website will not make you a penny because it is impossible to make that kind of money immediately online.

Yes it’s true that you can make $1000s per day online and I’m one of the fortunate ones that has been able to do it (I’ll share more details on that after the review) but it won’t happen overnight and it certainly won’t happen from using the Home Income Millionaire website, far from it in fact!

Why Are There Home Income Millionaire Fake Testimonials?

I noticed that the video for Home Income Millionaire is covered in testimonials that are fake.

I know that the testimonials inside the Home Income Millionaire website are fake because I have seen these same people in dozens of other “make money” sales videos.

These people sell gigs on the website Fiverr and will say anything that you put on a script for them.

You could give them a script saying that they made 10 million in 5 weeks and they would create a video about it.

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

It’s sad that these people have to do such unethical things to make their money.

Look at this one as a prime example:

home income millionaire

I honestly can’t tell you how many times I have seen his face in a video.

If everything this man said was true he would probably be the wealthiest person alive right now.

Unfortunately he is selling fake testimonials for as little as $5 a piece and is not making the $1000’s that he claims from Home Income Millionaire!

Here is another one:

home income millionaire fake testimonial

This person is a strong contender for fake wealth earned having done probably just as many testimonials as the other guy.

It’s a real shame that the websites that allow them to sell these fake testimonials don’t shut their scam services down.

Unfortunately these 2 people have been selling fake reviews for websites like Home Income Millionaire for literally years and they probably are not going to stop anytime soon.

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

How Does Home Income Millionaire Work?

So how does Home Income Millionaire actually work? Or I guess the question should be, “how does Home Income Millionaire scam you?”.

The process is much the same as all the other get rich quick scams out there.

The likes of many I have exposed right here on this blog.

Quick side note, not everything I review is a scam (fortunately) I also cover some legitimate newsletters such as Federal Rent Checks and Cash For Patriots.

Anyhow getting back to Home Income Millionaire…

The scam is simple really, you receive an email about making money online, or if it’s not an email it’s most likely some kind of advertisement.

It could be another review blog from an unethical scam reviewer who promotes these kind of products, it could be a banner ad on a website, a Facebook Ad, YouTube video or some other form of promotion but the most common way for the scam to spread is email which is my guess for how you heard about it.

Home Income Millionaire gets pushed via 100’s of affiliate marketers email lists promoting this website as an incredible way of making easy money.

When you click the link in the email you end up on the Home Income Millionaire website watching the hyped up sales video.

This is the video I already mentioned which talks about earning $1,000’s a day which is clearly not realistic.

If you decide to buy into it you might be thinking it will only cost you $97 so what’s the risk? Apart from losing your $97.

Well the risk is actually far more than that because not only will you lose your $97 on a junk product that doesn’t work as claimed, but you will be subjected to many up-sells.

After your initial purchase you will be told about an even greater system for making money that makes it even easier, this will cost easily $197 or more.

After this video there are even more up-sells.

Truth be told if you were to get sucked into the sales pitch and end up buying all the Home Income Millionaire up-sells you’d spend $100’s and maybe even $1,000’s.

I’m not against up-sells when they are genuine but in the case of Home Income Millionaire they are certainly not genuine or helpful!

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

Is Home Income Millionaire A Scam?

In my honest opinion the Home Income Millionaire website is certainly a scam.

The website has all the trademarks of a scam and after reviewing quite literally 100’s of them on this website I know how to easily spot them.

First off the unrealistic claims of income are of course a huge red flag but the main red flag for me was seeing the fake testimonials on the video for Home Income Millionaire.

The simple fact is that if your product or system is genuine and real people are making money you will have no problem getting real testimonials from people.

I know of some people who have good systems and they have real testimonials from people seeing success.

In the case of Home Income Millionaire there is nothing genuine about it and the testimonials are the biggest warning sign for me.

Furthermore I know from my experience that there is no shortcut to making $1,000’s per day.

Can You Trust Home Income Millionaire?

Trust me when I say I have reviewed 100’s of systems claiming they can help you make $1,000’s per day and if only a tiny fraction of them were legitimate then I would be using them to earn 10’s of millions per year. Instead I am here writing this review, sharing information and running a real online business that takes hard work and time.

Yes I am fortunate that I do make a significant amount of money with my online businesses but it did not happen overnight and it still takes hard work combined with the right system.

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

Home Income Millionaire Verdict…

My verdict for Home Income Millionaire is that this website is a scam and a waste of your time.

The owner of the website and the unethical affiliates who promote it are the only ones making money here.

If you buy into the hype I don’t believe that you will earn a penny but will risk losing a lot.

Thanks for checking out my honest review.

Before you leave

If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my recommendation below.

It’s helped me earn over $300k in the last 12 months alone:

Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

(This is a 100% free training)

Home Income Millionaire - Scam Exposed? [Review] 1

Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.

After reviewing 1000’s of programs, he knows what works and what doesn’t:

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