New Tycoon Plus – Cryptocurrency Scam? [Review]

Welcome to my review of New Tycoon Plus.

New Tycoon Plus is a new cryptocurrency opportunity that I have seen a number of people promoting through email and social media so I decided to take a closer look to find out more about it.

Can New Tycoon Plus really deliver the kind of profits it promises? Or is it just another scam?

Keep reading and you can check out my honest review below.

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New Tycoon Plus - Cryptocurrency Scam? [Review] 5

New Tycoon Plus Review

So I just jumped over to the New Tycoon Plus website to see what it’s all about and my first impressions are that the website looks professional. That being said I don’t really trust any kind of business opportunity in the cryptocurrency niche since most of them are complete scams. For instance I recently exposed a bunch of schemes that collapsed like USI Tech and Davor Coin. These scams were promoted as legitimate opportunities until they folded.

new tycoon plus

So if I believe the majority of cryptocurrency opportunities are scams then why should you trust New Tycoon Plus. That’s a trick question, because you shouldn’t trust it and you have done the right thing by coming here first to learn more about it.

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How Does New Tycoon Plus Work?

Upon closer inspection I can see that New Tycoon Plus is essentially offering a form of cloud mining. That basically means that they have set up mining operations for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and you can invest and get the returns. It’s a bit like owning your own mining hardware without ever buying or setting it up yourself. That’s why they call it cloud mining as you are simply renting the hardware and getting the gains from it.

When you purchase the mining power from New Tycoon Plus it will last for 7 months until it expires. From this you can work out how much money you will actually earn.

As their website states cryptocurrency mining is expensive. The hardware alone costs $1,000’s and if you want to set this up yourself your outlay will be a huge amount. That’s why it’s better to invest in cloud mining via a company like New Tycoon Plus. Or is it?

New Tycoon Plus Exposed?

Initially the whole cloud mining thing sounds great. You get to plug into the hard work that another company has put in without ever putting down the huge amount of money it takes. The only problem is how do you know that the mining hardware even exists? How do you know that you are not simply being sucked into a ponzi scheme?

The truth is you don’t know, and so many other opportunities like this have already collapsed.

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There’s dozens of these cloud mining operations available and many are being promoted by people involved in get rich quick style MLM programs.

For instance Power Mining Pool has had a lot of exposure lately. After BitConnect shut down a lot of people involved in that program went and started promoting Power Mining Pool. I already exposed them in an earlier review stating that I believed it was most likely a ponzi scheme and now I am seeing people promoting New Tycoon Plus.

I could be completely wrong and New Tycoon Plus could have legitimate mining operations but personally I don’t see it since their website was only registered in December 2017 and now only 2 months later they are claiming to have these huge mining operations up and running.

Is New Tycoon Plus A Scam?

They state that the business model is as follows:

  1. Members buy the mining power in multiples of 100$
  2. There is a 1 month wait after purchasing
  3. Members lease mining power back to New Tycoon Plus
  4. At end of the 7 month lease the contract expires and they buy back the mining power

Once you buy in you can earn passive income starting from just $100 investment.

To be honest, I think it sounds like a scam because of the small startup costs and the “guaranteed” returns.

Whenever I see these kind of opportunities I am always skeptical when I see people promoting them as affiliates. Why are people recruiting others and what are they gaining? When you actually dive deeper and take a look you see that there are huge referral commissions up for grabs for referring others into the opportunity.

When you think about how it works, does New Tycoon Plus even need mining operations?

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Also why is there a 1 month wait after you join before you can start earning?

Perhaps that is because that is the time it takes to actually set up your hardware?

I’m guessing the 1 month wait exists because it buys New Tycoon Plus some time so that other people can join, invest money and then they can pay you your 6% return on investment or whatever amount that they are offering.

New Tycoon Plus Conclusion

After taking a closer look I won’t be recommending New Tycoon Plus.

Here is the thing, if you want to invest in mining then go ahead and invest in mining yourself. Don’t trust a company like New Tycoon Plus because you literally have no way of actually knowing whether they are legitimate or not. You can’t physically go and see the mining operations so how do you know they exist and aren’t just a ponzi scheme?

My advice is to invest directly into cryptocurrency, or into mining, or if you want to just make money and don’t care whether it’s cryptocurrency or not, then learn how to build a real online income (check out my no.1 recommendation below that shows you how).

Before you leave

If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my no.1 recommendation.

It’s helped me earn over $300,000 in the last 12 months alone:

Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

(This is a 100% free training)

New Tycoon Plus - Cryptocurrency Scam? [Review] 5


Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.

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