Looking for a review of America’s First Options Millionaire Summit?
The Options Millionaire Summit has been created by Jon Najarian.
I recently started receiving email promotions about it so I’ve been taking a closer look.
I’ve put together an honest review of America’s First Options Millionaire Summit sharing the pros and cons.
Keep reading below to get all the details!
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America’s First Options Millionaire Summit Review
Table of Contents
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What Is America’s First Options Millionaire Summit?
“America’s First Options Millionaire Summit” by Jon Najarian (hosted by Jim Thorne) is an ad for Jon’s new research service, Najarian’s Weekly Options Profits.
I’ve shared reviews of other investment summits lately like Transform Your Life Summit and Rebound Profit Summit.

This new service is meant to allow regular investors to use infrastructure that is usually the preserve of institutional investors.
With this advantage, you can grow your retirement investments exponentially.
Jon trades options because they are cheap and they can accumulate larger gains than stocks.
However, he knows that trading options without crucial information is a gamble.
He realized very early that the only way to make money trading options was to source this information.
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How does America’s First Options Millionaire Summit Work?
He and his brother observed that insider behavior, and particularly their trading patterns, can give you a clue as to how a company will perform.
He likened it to “reading tomorrow’s paper today.”
That was the information they needed to make use of.
Therefore, they hired programmers to create an algorithm that would collect information from all 16 options exchanges in the US, bring it together and observe moves made by certain investors in real-time.
It is called the heat seeker system (sounds similar to Heatseekers by Tim Melvin).
The investors they track are mostly corporate executives and board members, especially when they buy shares of their own companies.
The logic behind that is these people have crucial information about their companies’ prospects.
When they make a move, it may signal something significant in the background.
Since the system can’t flag off all activities and moves made by them, Jon and his brother ingrained it with certain criteria to make it more effective at spotting significant money moves.
These elements make up the acronym S.M.A.R.T:
- S for size: the trade needs to involve a large amount of money.
- M for “much larger” than the normal size of the investment
- A for “aggressive trade”: they should be buying the cheapest options, for example.
- R for “reason behind the trade”: What are their motivations for such a trade?
- T for “time-sensitive”: ideally a few days before the information goes public.
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Who is Jon Najarian?
Jon Najarian is a veteran investor and renowned options trader. He has been in the industry for over 38 years.
He started trading on the Chicago exchange in the early eighties and by 1990, he was one of the leading market markers.
He launched a firm called Mercury Trading, which he sold in 2004 to a $25 billion hedge fund called Citadel.
The following year, he and his brother came together and started the optionMONSTER, which was an option education firm.
They also launched an online brokerage firm called tradeMONSTER that was highly rated by Barron’s.
Jon Najarian was recently inducted into the Options Hall of Fame.
He is a bestselling author (with books focusing on options and trading) and a former professional footballer for the Chicago Bears.
How to benefit from America’s First Options Millionaire Summit
To receive recommendations from the proprietary trading algorithm, Heat Seeker, you have to join Najarian’s Weekly Options Profits investment advisory service.
Here are the benefits of being a member:
- You receive the password to unlock the latest winning trade that Jon has spotted. It is in an online portal.
- Weekly Options Trade ideas: Every week, you will receive a recommendation straight out of the Heat Seeker with the potential to make you thousands of dollars.
- Urgent anytime Profit-taking alerts: You will receive an urgent email telling you what you need to sell to consolidate your gains.
- Regular portfolio updates: When something significant happens in the market, Jon will tell you what to do to your open trades to react to the news.
- Daily video alerts in the morning. These one-minute long videos share the most important daily developments in the market to keep you sharp and ready to pounce on new opportunities.
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You also receive the following free items:
- Retire Rich with Options: It is a 7-video series that teaches you the ins and outs of options trading. This will be particularly useful if you are a newbie to options investing.
- A free VIP pass to Paradigm Press’s Wealth Symposium: It is an exclusive event where top investment experts share their strategies and outlooks. You also network with leading analysts and like-minded investors
Subscription Fee
One year: $2,995
Three Month Trial: $850
Performance Guarantee
Jon guarantees that you will receive at least ten trades that will double your money.
If he doesn’t deliver, you receive an extra year of subscription for free.
Is America’s First Options Millionaire Summit a Scam?
“America’s first options millionaire summit” is not a scam.
Jon’s achievements show that he is a very skillful trader.
Furthermore, he is an Options Hall of Famer, he has written four best-selling books on options and trading, and he makes regular appearances on TV to discuss trading strategies.
I don’t think a guy like him would risk ruining his credibility to run a scam.
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Options Millionaire Summit Verdict
“America’s First Options Millionaire Summit” shows investors that they can make money trading options with the right formula – Jon’s experience and a powerful trading tool make for a powerful combination.
It shows you that becoming a millionaire is not out of reach if you make the right moves.
That being said, like any other trading strategy, Jon’s will not be right 100% of the time.
Therefore, you should only invest money that you would be comfortable losing if things go wrong – which shouldn’t be much considering how cheap options are.
Before you leave
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Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.
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