“The Financial Meltdown Countdown” [Nick Hodge Review]

Welcome to my review of Nick Hodge’s presentation on “The Financial Meltdown Countdown.”

I recently received an email from him requesting me to check out his new pitch, so I decided to take a closer look.

I’ve researched it to find out more and put together an honest review.

Keep reading below to get all the info.

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"The Financial Meltdown Countdown" [Nick Hodge Review] 7

The Financial Meltdown Countdown Review

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Introduction to The Financial Meltdown Countdown

The Financial Meltdown Countdown is a pitch by Nick Hodge of the Outsider Club that he uses to advertise his investment research service, Wall Street’s Underground Profits.

As the title of the presentation suggests, this presentation doesn’t exactly fill you with hope about the future of the economy.

The Financial Meltdown Countdown by Nick Hodge

Nick suggests that there will be a significant event on the 20th of January, 2021 that we should all prepare for, financially. He is talking about the inauguration of the next president-elect (whether Trump stays or not).

He mentions that it will affect everybody who has a pension, an IRA, Social Security benefits or owns stocks or bonds, and other securities.

It could cause personal savings and investments to plummet by more than 30% in one day just like investors witnessed in the crashes of 2008 and 2001. Pensions, social security, and other fixed-income plans could suffer.

The key to surviving and thriving if it happens is to prepare yourself. That is the main takeaway from the presentation.

This “prophet of doom” approach is not too dissimilar to what Harry Dent has done with presentations like Cyberattack Hypevid and The Cash Apocalypse.

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Who is Nick Hodge?

Nick Hodge is the founder of The Outsider Club, a renowned publisher of contrarian investment newsletters and advisory services.

He has co-authored two bestselling books concerning investing in the energy sector. His work has made it to famous publications like Newsmax TV, Yahoo’s Daily Ticker, and Business News Network.

He has also made appearances on TV as a commentator discussing the economy and the opportunities that investors can take advantage of to pull themselves forward.

Nick is also a public speaker whose talks center on matters of investment. He has had speaking engagements across the country; for instance, he has spoken at an investment conference in New Orleans and been featured on The Money Show.

At the Outsider Club, he is the leading voice for Early Advantage, Wall Street’s Underground Profits, and Nick’s Notebook.

He joined the world of financial publishing in 2006 after graduating from Loyola University.

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How does The Financial Meltdown Countdown Work?

Nick Hodge wants to help you protect your savings and wealth and even help you take advantage of the rare profit opportunities that may come up in the face of financial turmoil.

He reasons that if the storm doesn’t materialize, you will still be safe and it will be business as usual.

Nick has even switched his investment philosophy from “rapid growth” mode during the good times to “protection and preservation” mode when the going gets tough.

The Debasement of the US Dollar

He laments out that over time, the US Dollar has gone from a currency that was backed by hard assets like gold and silver to one that can be printed out of thin air, a fiat currency.

He echoes what Jim Rickards, a famous investment analyst, has been saying about currencies in presentations like SDR Block Chain and The Democrats Secret Plan To Defeat Trump In 2020.

He notes that this allows the government to print money haphazardly, a situation that could cause inflation – if the supply of money gets out of hand.

He fears that soon, the dollar may lose its value.

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The Revaluation of the US Dollar

From his research, Nick has established that there could be a complete revaluation of the US Dollar – it could revert to being backed by precious metals.

The process will be spearheaded by West Virginias congressman Alexander Mooney through bill H.R. 5404. This bill will introduce a new “Gold Standard” for the US dollar.

Then, whoever will be inaugurated as president will approve the bill to avert disaster; hence the significance of the inauguration date.

Therefore, if you own silver or gold, you should hold onto it because their values could spike by more than 500% when the revaluation takes place.

Three profit opportunities

Nick has discovered three profit opportunities that he thinks his readers could benefit from when the next inauguration happens.

They will involve physical gold and a couple of gold-based investments.

He says that for a 30-day transition period, a small group of investments will go through the roof and potentially turn every $1,000 into a $20,000 windfall.

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How to prepare for The Financial Meltdown Countdown

Nick has compiled his research into the three profit opportunities he is targeting and put his findings in a report called Surviving The Financial Meltdown: The 3 Investments That Could Save Your Retirement.

It has everything you need to know about these profit opportunities, including how much you can potentially make from each.

To receive the report, you should subscribe to his research service, Wall Street’s Underground Profits.

Subscription Fee

The annual fee you need to pay to be a member of Wall Street’s Underground Profits is $99.

Performance Guarantee

The subscription comes with a six-month money-back guarantee that allows you to ask for a refund in case the service fails to deliver.

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Is The Financial Meltdown Countdown Legit?

I think “The Financial Meltdown Countdown” presentation is legit.

One of the reasons why I believe this to be true is that Nick Hodge has an impressive track record in the financial services business.

So far, he has led tens of thousands of investors to realize dozens of triple-digit wins in addition to uncovering more than 200 double-digit winners in energy. He has done a few more in the natural resources industry.

Secondly, he has been featured in popular outlets like Newsmax TV, Business News Network, and a few others. These firms do not publish an analyst’s insights unless they are sure that they are credible.

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The Financial Meltdown Countdown Verdict

If you ignore the alarmist “doom and gloom” scenarios that Nick Hodge is painting to get our attention, you will realize that he is on to something.

The period of financial prosperity we are witnessing right now will not last forever. It has to slow and reverse at some point.

As the markets climb a wall of worry and set new records, you should be thinking of how you will survive when things go the other way. When we witness the next recession, you need to be prepared for it.

Nick has an idea: invest in gold stocks to safeguard your future. It may not work as he expects it will, but at least there is some good reasoning that has gone into the decision. I think it is worth trying.

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"The Financial Meltdown Countdown" [Nick Hodge Review] 7

David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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