What Is Chris DeHaemer’s End Of Bitcoin Pitch?

I recently received an email requesting me to take a look at Chris DeHaemer’s End Of Bitcoin Pitch.

The pitch centers on a shocking announcement that DeHaemer thinks will spell the end of Bitcoin and create an opportunity for quadruple digit gains without ever owning a cryptocurrency.

In this article, I walk you through the presentation highlighting the main points that he raised for you to decide whether what he is offering is worthwhile.

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What Is Chris DeHaemer's End Of Bitcoin Pitch? 3

Chris DeHaemer’s End Of Bitcoin Pitch Review

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Introduction to Chris DeHaemer’s End Of Bitcoin Pitch

In his presentation titled End Of Bitcoin, Chris DeHaemer tells his audience that he thinks that the Biden administration wants to alter the financial system. One way of doing this will be to go after Bitcoin.

Chris DeHaemer's End Of Bitcoin Pitch

DeHaemer suggests that there are two motivating factors that would lead to Biden going after Bitcoin.

The first reason he would do this would be to wrestle back the government’s dominance over the financial system. He says that the government won’t be too pleased to see Bitcoin acting as an alternative to the greenback and will want to reign in on it to restore the dominance of the dollar.

He likens this to when FDR issued Executive Order 6102 that prevented people from hoarding gold coins, bullion, and gold certificates because, as he puts it, gold was becoming another form of money.

The second reason the government would go after Bitcoin, according to Chris, is to conserve the environment. He mentions that the Bitcoin network is energy intensive, consuming more power than 159 out of 195 countries in the world. With such consumption comes a massive carbon footprint that environmentalists would want to reduce.

Since the new administration has made it clear that they are focused on mitigating climate change, Chris thinks this would be enough motivation for it to go after Bitcoin.

 A Digital Dollar and the Blockchain

Chris says that the Fed will announce the introduction of a digital dollar to replace Bitcoin as the dominant soft currency. But how does this equate to an opportunity to earn quadruple-digit gains?

The new digital dollar is built on the Blockchain just as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are. Thus, he wants you to start investing in Blockchain-related assets.

Which leads us to a “little-known” company he wants you to consider investing in. He says that its technology is a vital component of almost all Blockchain hardware. According to Nasdaq, this company is at “the top of the [digital currency] food chain.”

Since the Blockchain was introduced with Bitcoin’s launch in 2009, the company’s shares have gone up by 1,585%.

He has written a report sharing all the details about the company. The title of the report is The $400 Trillion Blockchain ‘Back Door.’

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Who is Chris DeHaemer?

Chris DeHaemer is a professional stock analyst whose modus operandi is to find great investment opportunities before the mainstream media and other investors catch wind of them. He believes he is a contrarian. Earlier in his career, he pushed the idea that the best time to invest was during a crisis and ran a research service called Crisis and Opportunity.

To further exemplify the contrarian persona, he says that he was one of the very first persons to recognize the potential in Bitcoin before most people even knew what a cryptocurrency was. He also claims to have correctly predicted that Bitcoin would soon become a big deal. 

To find those niche opportunities, Chris travels the world and has even found himself visiting frontier markets in Asia and Africa. He believes that this is the best way to find good opportunities and detests sitting at a desk reading reports without knowing how the businesses are running on site.

He is a member of the editorial team at Angel Publishing Investment Research where he publishes a newsletter called Energy and Capital.

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Why Chris DeHaemer did the End Of Bitcoin Pitch

Chris wants you to sign up for his advisory service, The Bull and Bust ReportWhen you sign up for it, he will send you a free copy of the report The $400 Trillion Blockchain ‘Back Door

This report reveals a little-known company that’s at the heart of the impending blockchain gold rush courtesy of the introduction of a digital dollar.

When you join The Bull and Bust Report, in addition to that special report, you will receive:

  • A second special report called The 3 MVPs of the Tap-&-Go Revolution. It has the names of three companies powering the Tap-&-Go Revolution, including their stock symbols, price history, and detailed instructions on how to buy in for a tiny fraction of their true value.
  • 12 Monthly Issues of Bull and Bust Report
  • Regular Model Portfolio Updates
  • Email Alerts
  • Readily Available Member Services Staff
  • Access to the Complete Bull and Bust Report Model Portfolio
  • Free Subscription to Energy and Capital

Subscription Price: An annual subscription costs $99. It has a 60-day money-back guarantee.

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Is Chris DeHaemer’s End Of Bitcoin Pitch Legit?

Chris DeHaemer’s End Of Bitcoin Pitch is legit. Chris is a legit investment guru who works for a legit publisher. He has been in the financial services industry for a few years and during this period, he has made a few correct calls. Also, based on what I have seen while reviewing his other presentations, I think he offers value to his followers.

However, just because he has been around for a couple of years and has made money investing in the market, doesn’t mean that his current predictions are going to happen. Joining his newsletter may not equate to becoming a successful investor just because he says it.

Chris DeHaemer’s End Of Bitcoin Pitch Verdict

Chris DeHaemer’s claim that the federal government wants to wage war on Bitcoin is a bit over the top. Yes, there will be more regulation as cryptocurrencies take on a more crucial role in the financial system, but it won’t be to the extent that the government goes after something as pervasive as Bitcoin. I think he says that to get your attention to want to see what he is on about, nothing more.

The Blockchain has been getting a lot of attention from analysts and gurus because it is a relatively nascent technology that is growing in significance. Although cryptocurrencies are the most well-known application, there are other uses that have proven transformational, particularly record keeping and transaction tracing.

Therefore, investing in companies that are linked to the blockchain is not such a bad move after all and one worth considering.

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David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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