Looking for a review of the Kennedy Accounts?
Wondering whether the Government Restricted “Kennedy Accounts” really are “Wall Streets Best Kept Secret”?
I recently came across a website telling me about these “government restricted Kennedy Accounts” so decided to take a closer look and find out whether they were really a genuine offering or another scam.
There are not many Kennedy Accounts reviews out there so I figured I should do my research and share my honest findings.
Keep reading below and you can get all the details.
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Kennedy Accounts Review
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What Are Government Restricted Kennedy Accounts?
Chances are you are here because you are skeptical about these Government Restricted “Kennedy Accounts” and to be quite honest I don’t blame you.
I watched the video from Jeff Yastine which looked extremely interesting but I certainly wondered myself whether it was really legitimate and hence I’ve done the research to find out.
Jeff Yastine has been behind numerous investment videos, the most recent of which is The Hypernet.
To me it looked similar to Freedom Checks which is another offering from Banyan Hill (the company behind Kennedy Accounts) albeit from a different person at the company.
This isn’t actually the first offering I have reviewed from Jeff Yastine either as I recently reviewed his Total Wealth Insider newsletter.
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Getting back to the Kennedy Accounts…
Jeff claims to be sharing the secret that has been kept hidden from everyday Americans for 54 years.
He claims that this secret can enable a person to take a small investment and turn it into large profits.
I will admit, it sounds very interesting indeed, let’s face it who doesn’t want to know how to turn a small amount of cash into a lot of cash and Jeff Yastine knows this with his cleverly put together Kennedy Accounts video.
Who Is Jeff Yastine?
Before we jump into the details on Kennedy Accounts we must first start off by sharing some information on the man in the video which is Jeff Yastine.
After doing some research I was able to find out that Jeff is quite the experienced man when it comes to investing.
He has over 20 years of experience in stocks and finance. He was also an anchor on PBS Nightly Business Report for many years.
He is certainly not an unknown person and he is a trusted figure when it comes to money and finance.
That all sounds great, but does all that mean you can make money with “government restricted Kennedy Accounts”?
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I think you could, after all I’ve seen what you are getting access to and there are numerous reports and testimonials.
This is all good news and also when you consider that Banyan Hill is behind this who are a leading publication on finance and money (part of Agora Financial) you start to see that yes this is actually a legitimate offering and not your typical get rich quick scheme that I normally end up exposing.
Other investment promos I’ve shared reviews of lately include Fluorescent Sand and Dark Burst.
How Do Kennedy Accounts Work?
As the name suggests the video from Jeff actually claims that John F Kennedy is the man behind these “accounts” which can potentially turn your small investment into a big one.
This is a strategy that has been used by some of the richest people in the world like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates and even and ex-presidents such as Bill Clinton.
In the video Jeff Yastine shares the stories of people who have been able to earn 6 and even 7-figures from these “Kennedy Accounts” and the video explains in more detail how its extremely easy to do.
However apparently the government has tried to conceal what these kind of investments are to keep them out of the public sight.
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It all sounds exciting and to be quite honest I can see why anyone would want to learn more but I am a little skeptical that it really works this well. I mean let’s face it, Kennedy Accounts costs money and the company behind this website makes money when you buy into it, so can you 100% trust what they are saying?
I don’t want to be completely skeptical because I do believe that this has potential, but it’s worth seeing both sides of the story so you can make a fair judgement.
So often I see people get so sucked into a program and they get completely blinded by the possibilities of making a lot of money only to be let down.
I’m not saying that is definitely happening here though, so let’s dive deeper…
How Kennedy Accounts Actually Work…
After doing a little digging into the details I was able to find out that these “government restricted Kennedy Accounts” are actually DSPP investments which stands for Direct Stock Purchase Plan.
I must admit I don’t know a great deal about these kind of stocks but I have done some research to learn more.

Jeff Yastine talks about in the video on the Kennedy Accounts website about these secret investments.
By the way I recently reviewed a similar program to Kennedy Accounts known as Federal Rent Checks which is from Money Map Press.
With DSPP you can buy stock without brokerage fees. You are basically buying direct from the company as the name suggests so you can save quite a lot of money on the fees that brokers charge. Plus, you can also re-invest dividends rather than withdrawing them which means you can compound your investment over time.
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This does sound exciting when you think that by doing the direct investments you don’t need to go via a broker which means you can actually invest more because nobody is taking a cut.
Also when you receive dividends you will re-invest them again via the DSPP so that you are re-investing more and not simply wasting more on brokerage fees.
So where does the name “Kennedy Accounts” come from?
Quite simply it was John F Kennedy who passed the law to allow you to do DSPP.
Clearly the experts over at Banyan Hill (e.g Jeff and co) have jumped on the whole Kennedy Accounts name because it sounds interesting and when you think about it, they are going to get way more people buying into their program when it has a story linked to J F Kennedy than if they just talked about DSPP which on it’s own isn’t very exciting.
Is Kennedy Accounts A Scam?
I never really thought that Kennedy Accounts was a scam.
This is simply because I have experience reviewing other offerings from this company and I know that they are one of the most legitimate companies operating in the finance space.
That being said it’s always worth looking at all the details to get a complete picture.
From what I can see the Kennedy Accounts is essentially a sales pitch.
It all feeds into Jeff Yastine’s Total Wealth Insider program which I already reviewed a few days back.
The pitch for the Kennedy Accounts is very clever I must admit, and they use some clever tactics to create intrigue.
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There are a few small negatives that I will point out that kind of bug me but I guess it’s all part of the sales process.
For example when you land on the checkout page to actually sign up to Kennedy Accounts you are told there’s only a limited time to purchase and limited spots available.
This is what is called false scarcity.
At least we call it that online but a normal person would call it lying!
That being said at least you are buying into a genuine offering if you do decide to jump in, and not your typical get rich quick scam like the others I regularly expose here.
How Much Does Kennedy Accounts Cost?
So technically speaking you aren’t buying into the Kennedy Accounts but actually into Jeff Yastine’s Total Wealth Insider newsletter.
The “Kennedy Accounts” part is just the sales pitch to get you interested and in the door.
To join the newsletter you’ll need to pay a minimum of $47 to $129 for a one year subscription.
It’s not exactly the most expensive to be quite honest and it will automatically renew at $97.
The newsletter already has a lot of people who have joined and are actively renewing.
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There is a bold claim / guarantee though and that is that you can make at least $10,000 following his methods, otherwise he will refund your subscription.
Of course in order to do this you would need to actually invest money in the first place into the recommendations that Jeff gives because there’s no way to magic money out of thin air without investment.
Kennedy Accounts Conclusion
So do I actually recommend this or should you avoid it?
To be honest it depends entirely on what you are looking to achieve. If you’ve been searching for a way to invest money and see a good return over time then this could well be for you but it’s not going to happen over night.
Part of me does think that perhaps you could just research DSPP’s and make those kind of investments yourself however on the flip side by joining the newsletter you get the recommendations from Jeff and let’s face it, he’s probably a far more qualified and experienced investor than you are.
The negative is that if you are looking to make quicker returns then I wouldn’t recommend joining.
Overall my verdict is neutral because it depends on what you are trying to achieve but it’s definitely NOT a scam.
This is a long term play, and if you are interested in making money online or quickly then you are better off looking elsewhere (my “no.1 recommendation” can help you here).
Before you leave
If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my no.1 recommendation.
It’s helped me earn over $300,000 in the last 12 months alone:
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Mark Charles is the founder of NoBSIMReviews and has been making a 6-figure income online for over 10 years.
After reviewing 1000’s of programs, he knows what works and what doesn’t: