Quantum Leap Technology: Keith Kohl Prediction Legit?

Today we will be taking a look at Keith Kohl’s new presentation where he talks about “The All-American Clean Tech Breakthrough Solving the Global Energy Crisis.” He claims to have details concerning “the ‘Quantum Leap’ Technology Redefining the Global Energy Landscape.”

I sat through the presentation and decided to put together this review where I reveal what technology Keith Kohl is talking about that will solve the global energy crisis as well as the investment newsletter he is promoting here.

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Quantum Leap Technology: Keith Kohl Prediction Legit? 10

Quantum Leap Technology Review

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Introduction to Quantum Leap Technology

Keith Kohl’s new pitch centers on the energy sector and more specifically a “‘Quantum Leap’ Technology” that he claims will inspire a global energy revolution. Right in the thick of it is an advanced, breakthrough, all-American, and clean-fuel technology that he believes can solve the ongoing energy crisis.

This is not the first time Keith Kohl is talking about the energy sector. He previously pitched Infinite Lithium TechnologyEndless Clean Energy, and The 5G Volta $8 Stock. All of them involve some kind of investment in an energy source that will provide cheap, sustainable energy and solve all our energy problems.

Quantum Leap Technology

Therefore, in his latest pitch, he is on brand because he says that this new answer to the energy crisis has nothing to do with solar, wind, or anything else that needs nature to function… and it’s not some type of new oil or gas either.

Although Solar and wind have received tons of investment and government incentives, their biggest drawback has been their intermittent nature at a time when energy storage has not developed to the required levels. Therefore, they have so far been unreliable.

That’s not to say that they should be dismissed because in areas that receive a lot of sunlight or wind, they are often a source of cheap energy.

Circling back to Keith Kohl’s presentation, he says that he is focusing on “a bizarre, contorted metal rod, half an inch across that has the power to fuel America and nations everywhere for literal years on end while simultaneously cementing itself as the cheapest source of energy on the planet.” 

It looks like this:

Quantum Leap Technology: Keith Kohl Prediction Legit? 11

Keith says that the U.S., the U.K., and entire European nations are already investing in this technology and power plants are being built across the globe that could see the mass adoption of this fuel.

On top of that, he says “investing giants like Rockefeller Capital, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs are racing to invest in the genius upstart behind this energy invention before this breakthrough shatters the West’s dependence on foreign oil and makes international headlines.” For these investors, the goal is to exploit a $1.9 trillion opportunity.

The technology in question is something he calls “TriFuel-238”. He says that a single pound of this twisted fuel could propel your car for almost seven years and keep a Ford F-150 pickup running for 249,180 miles.

At this point, it becomes apparent that Keith is rehashing a pitch he did previously about TriFuel-238 that we already covered:

TriFuel 238

I covered that pitch and noticed similarities with this new one, such as the use of the term “quantum leap technology” and it being a $1.9 trillion opportunity. In analyzing that presentation, I said:

“TriFuel-238” is a term Keith Kohl coined to refer to the technology that he expects to revolutionize America’s energy industry. This quantum leap technology is spearheaded by a company that he expects to help early investors to make as much as 46,018% gains.

What he was describing then (as he is now) is a new fuel rod for nuclear reactors that is safer and cheaper than the fuel rods nuclear fission reactors have been using.

He said that a tiny company had altered the fuel on a molecular level with a small tweak making it more efficient and cheaper.

That’s why he thought back then as he does now that this new nuclear fuel would become the world’s go-to energy solution in the coming years and insisted that this game-changing technological advancement will totally rewrite the global “energy generation” rules.

Here’s how I analyzed the situation back then:

“Although he doesn’t say it explicitly, I think he may be talking about a tiny company that has a found a way to efficiently enrich the Uranium-238 used in nuclear reactors.

Naturally, Uranium-238 is more readily available than Uranium-235 but it (Uranium-238) is not directly used for energy production. It has to be enriched and the process in most cases is not particularly efficient.

Enrichment is a crucial step in turning natural uranium into nuclear power plant fuel. It involves increasing the concentration of U-235 and decreasing the U-238 levels and this is not a cheap process.

Since in most nuclear reactors, the fuel rods need uranium with 4% to 5% of U-235, to produce the useful component, most suppliers enrich the fuel rods in natural uranium hexafluoride to the acceptable level and sell it to the operators who run the nuclear power plants.

Therefore, if some company figured out a way to more efficiently convert U-238 to U-235, it could be a gamechanger; and it seems like that’s what he may be talking about here.”

I think that’s still what’s happening in this new presentation when he proposed that there is a tech company that has cracked the code in terms of uranium fuel rods. He says that many high-profile American companies have already started investing in the tiny company behind TriFuel 238 and you should also consider becoming an early investor to take advantage of the opportunity.

I won’t go further into the descriptions of the company and will just reveal it here:

The company he is talking about here is Lightbridge Corp. (LTBR), an energy startup from Virginia developing developing Lightbridge Fuel™, a proprietary nuclear fuel technology that can be used in different kinds of reactors.

The new fuel technology is economic, offers improved nuclear power safety, and has proliferation resistance. Lightbridge Corp. had a partnership with Framatone. The partnership, formed in 2018 to work on Lightbridge’s energy-abundant fuel, was dissolved in March 2021 by mutual agreement.

Keith Kohl wrote a report titled “The Undiscovered Tech Company Behind the Coming ‘TriFuel-238’ Revolution” that you can get for free if you sign up for his newsletter Energy Investor.

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Who Is Behind Quantum Leap Technology?

Quantum Leap Technology is brought to you by Keith Kohl. He is the editor of a newsletter service called Energy and Capital. This newsletter service has more than 300,000 readers.

Keith Kohl usually explores the hottest investment trends in the market and shares them with regular investors. His main areas of expertise are energy and technology.

In fact, Keith Kohl is widely considered a true insider in the technology and energy markets, and it’s why he offers active investment advice pertaining to these sectors.

Keith Kohl has already been behind several double- and triple-digit winners for his followers and recommended to them the hottest stocks in the latest tech trends such as the EV revolution, 5G roll-out, robotics, automation, energy revolution, biotech, and anti-aging technologies.

This time, he is talking about the possible crisis in the energy sector and how to make profits from this situation.

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How Does Energy Investor Work?

Energy Investor is the advisory service Keith Kohl is promoting with the presentation. If you want to get the special report with all details behind the company behind TriFuel-238, its energy technology, the genius team behind TriFuel-238, and how its breakthrough fuel can revolutionize the world, you have to subscribe to Energy Investor.

Other benefits to subscribing to Energy Investor include…

  • Monthly issues featuring one new opportunity to potentially profit from America’s booming energy industry.
  • Investment opportunity updates.
  • 24/7 access to the model portfolio.
  • Special bonus reports detailing potentially lucrative opportunities – The Easiest, Most Profitable Way to Invest in the Ultimate Commodity: Water and The Billionaire’s Battle: How to Invest in the Next Phase of the Lithium Revolution
  • Access to the Energy Investor archives.
  • A free subscription to Keith Kohl’s Energy and Capital e-letter.
  • A dedicated member services team to assist you
  • Other bonus reports — The Hidden Grid Giant for 10X Gains and 5G-Volta: Retire Rich on the Power Grid’s Upgrade of the Century

Energy Investor Subscription Fee

There are two subscription plan options available, both come with paid subscription plan options including one year subscription for $99, and two years subscription for $179.

Energy Investor Guarantee


Subscription is backed by six month 100% money back guarantee.

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Is Keith Kohl’s Quantum Leap Technology Pitch Legit?

Keith Kohl’s Quantum Leap Technology presentation is legit. Keith Kohl is a well-known investment advisor, especially in the energy and technology industry. In the presentation, he shares details about the global energy crisis and reveals how he thinks we will cope with it while making profits. He thinks better nuclear energy technology could be the answer and he is not alone in that because many scientists and engineers believe it is one of the most reliable forms of energy we have.

That being said, the changes he is talking about could take many years to be implemented and the investment opportunity may turn out to be a bad one given how unpredictable the markets can be. Therefore, take his advice with a grain of salt.

Quantum Leap Technology Verdict

According to Keith Kohl, one way to solve the global energy crisis is to invest in nuclear energy. To be precise, he is talking about a TriFuel-238 that he claims is expected to become the cheapest and most energy-abundant nuclear fuel on the planet.

To top it off, there’s one small publicly traded company that is ready to play a crucial role in making this a reality and place you at the forefront of a once-in-a-lifetime investing opportunity.

Although Keith sounds sure of himself on this, be cautious and don’t invest any more than you can afford to lose.

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David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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