What is The Last Oil Boom? [Keith Kohl Pitch]

Keith Kohl’s new presentation is about what he terms as The Last Oil Boom.

According to Keith, in 2023, we will see a once in a lifetime millionaire maker event and he has put together a special playbook with three stocks he thinks you should consider as investment opportunities.

Let’s learn more about his pitch and the investment opportunities he is talking about.

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What is The Last Oil Boom? [Keith Kohl Pitch] 7

Keith Kohl’s The Last Oil Boom Presentation

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Introduction to The Last Oil Boom

According to Keith Kohl, The Last Oil Boom is a lifetime opportunity for ordinary investors to become a millionaire.

Keith says that we are about to experience an oil supply shortage making an oil discovery in one basin in America significant. He claims that the new supply will fill the demand gap and hand early investors a mountain of cash in the process. 

He says that there is already massive infrastructure being put in place in one location in America to satisfy the world’s skyrocketing oil demand because beneath the surface is an oil basin containing 46 BILLION barrels.

Keith Kohl's The Last Oil Boom

Keith goes so far as to say that this American oil patch could produce more oil than any member of the OPEC cartel.

The investment opportunity comes in the form of three companies that Keith has uncovered that he thinks will help shape this boom and could hand early investors a small fortune in the process.

Having followed Keith Kohl for awhile, this latest pitch is very much within his playbook. He is always writing about major trends in the energy industry and it is no different.

Other times he has talked about investing in energy stocks are when he did a presentation titled Endless Clean Energy when he talked about the exploitation of Hydrogen as a clean energy source and another time he did a presentation called Infinite Lithium Technology when he spoke about a company that has developed a technology that enables it to manufacture high-quality Lithium on-demand.

This time, he is focusing on a new oil boom that he says will be fueled by an all-American oil basin that could surpass the mammoth Ghawar oil field in terms of production volumes.

One of the reasons he is confident about the basin is the presence of many DUC wells. DUC means “drilled but uncompleted” and usually these wells have been drilled and prepped but haven’t actually been in use or had any oil pulled from them.

He says that these wells aren’t drilled for nothing because the drillers fully intend to turn them into functioning wells.

The three “Western Texas Oil Boom Stocks include:

  1. A company with a market cap of less than $1 billion that has  scooped up over 66,000 acres of land in the basin!
  2. A company with a massive system of pipelines connecting all the major oil basins of America. It has over 50,000 miles of pipeline shipping hundreds of thousands of barrels of natural gas and petroleum products. It has already increased its distributions (dividends) to investors for 23 consecutive years and will make a killing delivering, storing, and processing the oil that will be pulled from this basin.
  3. A company Keith believes is on the verge of becoming “the next ExxonMobil.” He says that the company has nearly doubled its cash flow in only a year thanks to its advanced techniques such as 3D seismic technology, horizontal drilling, and hydraulic fracturing. It also has 124,800 acres of land directly inside the basin, and is already producing over 94,000 barrels of oil each day. He claims that it could become an oil giant, but right now it’s still affordable enough for anyone to get in.

Keith Kohl has written a special report about the three companies and he calls it The Permian Playbook: 3 Stocks Set to Profit From America’s $5.9 Trillion Oil Basin.

We will go into how you can get your hands on the report later. First, let’s take a look at Keith’s credentials.

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Who is Keith Kohl?

Keith Kohl is the chief director of energy research at Angel Publishing, one of the fastest-growing independent, reputed, and renowned investment research firms in the world.

For the past 20 years, Keith has made a career out of identifying major trends in the energy industry. He now predicts that this is probably one of the biggest yet and explains why he has written a playbook on how to take advantage of the opportunity.

He has an audience of over 300,000 readers that he provides with in-depth coverage of the hottest investment trends in the market, starting from energy to the latest investment advances in the biotech sector.

Keith Kohl relies on the work of hundreds of experts, from M.S.s and Ph.D.s, to come up with his predictions.

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How Keith Kohl’s Energy Investor Works

The whole reason Keith did the pitch was to promote his newsletter, Energy Investor.

His goal at Energy Investor is to deliver his readers the best research and recommendations in the energy sector.

That’s why he is sharing his exclusive special report, The Permian Playbook: 3 Stocks Set to Profit From America’s $5.9 Trillion Basin, for free. The report reveals three companies that could profit from the mining of American oil in an oil-rich basin in Texas.

Keith Kohl is confident that this opportunity will be a life-changing opportunity for regular investors and thinks that they could easily make millions.

When you have a subscription to the Energy Investor newsletter service, in addition to that report, you will also get:

  • Monthly issues, each containing AT LEAST one new opportunity to profit from America’s booming oil and energy industry
  • Investment updates from time to time to help you grow your wealth
  • 24/7 access to the model portfolio
  • Special reports detailing the most urgent and lucrative opportunities
  • Access to the Energy Investor archives
  • A free subscription to Keith Kohl’s Energy and Capital e-letter
  • A dedicated member services team ready to help you

On top of that, there are some additional reports:

5G-Volta: Retire Rich on the Power Grid’s Upgrade of the Century is one such report and in it, Keith Kohl has covered all details about a government-mandated program called 5G-Volta that will be implemented to make the grid more efficient.

The Easiest, Most Profitable Way to Invest in the Ultimate Commodity: Water is another one that concerns how you can invest in companies involved in the supply of water. In the report, he describes water as one of the Earth’s most precious, irreplaceable resources, that is even more important to our existence than oil.

Subscription Options: A two-year subscription will cost you $179, and a one-year subscription will cost you $99.

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Is The Last Oil Boom Legit?

Yes, Keith Kohl’s The Last Oil Boom is a legit pitch.

Keith Kohl is one of the most vocal investment gurus when it comes to investing in the energy sector. He has been urging people to take energy stocks seriously for many years.

He hasn’t stopped even now that the world appears to be demonizing oil to the level that financiers are declining to fund new projects. He still thinks that we are still reliant on the resource.

Whatever you make of Keith, he has been writing about the subject for many years and there is a bit of credibility to his approach in that sense.

On top of that, he is not alone when talking about the possibility of an oil boom happening. Many reputable analysts still think that oil has a place in the future as a source of energy. They share Keith’s outlook on the market and that goes to show that he is not making farfetched claims.

The Last Oil Boom Verdict

Although Keith Kohl is entitled to making his opinions about the oil market, you should take his advice with a grain of salt. By this, I mean that you should be skeptical and objectively question his assessment of the market and how he arrived at his hypothesis.

Keith is basing his predictions on what has happened before in the energy industry. He thinks that we are about to see a repeat of past oil booms such as the one that was fueled by fracking a few years ago. 

That may turn out to be true, but it may also be incorrect because there is a massive push to move away from oil and get into renewables. Besides, although history does repeat itself sometimes, there are often surprises. 

I suppose the best thing to do here is conduct further research and make your decision based on information beyond Keith’s presentation. Although I must say, Keith Kohl is making some solid points worth examining further.

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David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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