Why America’s Legal Pot “Test Run” Starts This Year [Review]

Have you encountered Teeka Tiwari’s presentation titled “Why America’s Legal Pot ‘Test Run’ Starts This Year”?

I recently got an invitation to check it out. I was eager to see what he means when he says that [there is] “The one move to make ahead of time that could turn a grubstake into more than $100,000.”

In this review I discuss whether Teeka’s presentation has substance or it is just another advert for his newsletter.

Keep reading below to get all the info.

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Why America’s Legal Pot "Test Run" Starts This Year [Review] 7

“Why America’s Legal Pot ‘Test Run’ Starts This Year” Review

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Introduction to the “Why America’s Legal Pot ‘Test Run’ Starts This Year” presentation

It is a presentation by Teeka Tiwari advertising his flagship investment research service, The Palm Beach Letter.

Why America’s Legal Pot “Test Run” Starts This Year (Teeka Tiwari)

He begins the pitch by mentioning that he has big news from an investigative reporter who has access to the White House. He says that the news, which has been verified by 21 reliable sources, could create a new batch of marijuana millionaires in the next few weeks.

He says that Trump held a private meeting with an influential Republican senator over a plan that could usher in federal legalization in what he calls a “test run.”

This test run will give ten states immunity to the prohibitive federal cannabis laws. In those states, marijuana will be legal for medical and recreational use.

The move has been supported by 57 members of Congress across the political divide as well as 18 powerful lobby groups.

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The “test run” has triggered a series of moves involving cannabis companies. Teeka says the effect is similar to that of the tech boom in the nineties.

Teeka is predicting that the “test run” could inject capital worth $340 billion into American pockets. Early investors could make a fortune.

Who is behind the “Why America’s Legal Pot “Test Run” Starts This Year” presentation?

The guy behind this presentation is Teeka Tiwari, the chief analyst of Palm Beach Research Group.

He has been a trader/investment analyst for 30 years, most of which he has spent on Wall Street. He worked for a couple of firms on Wall Street for 15 years and ran a hedge fund for ten years.

He began his career at 16 when he moved to America from the UK. He became the youngest Vice President at Shearson Lehman Brothers and managed money for some of the most influential people in the business.

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How does “Why America’s Legal Pot “Test Run” Starts This Year” Work?

The cannabis market has been growing for the past few years as 40 states have legalized marijuana in some form – ten have legalized it fully for recreational and medical use.

So far, the market has grown into a $10 billion industry driven solely by state legalization.

However, Canadian companies have an advantage because cannabis is legal federally, which enables them to get funding, list on exchanges, sell their products online, and accept credit cards.

To regain the advantage, the US government wants to do a “test run” of federal legalization in the ten states that have fully legalized weed. That will allow companies based in the ten states to have the advantages that Canadian firms have.

Institutional investors will finally have a chance to invest in pot stocks – something they cannot do without the blessings of the federal government.

Teeka wants to point you towards the stocks that will benefit the most from the “test run.” These are the companies that institutional investors will be considering for investment causing their value to soar.

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To take advantage of this opportunity, Teeka has identified the number one stock that is perfectly positioned to grow exponentially during the “test run.” He has written about it in a report called America’s #1 Pot Stock: How To Turn A Grubstake Into Over $1,000,000 In The Coming Weeks.

To receive the free report, you have to subscribe to The Palm Beach Letter.

When you sign up, you will also receive two bonus special reports:

  • The $21 Billion CBD Boom: Three Tiny Stocks That Will Make You A Fortune. This report gives you details about three tiny companies that are expected to dominate the legal hemp industry.
  • Private Market Riches: How To 57x Your Money Every Decade With Private Placements. This report shows you how you can invest in private startups in deals that can turn a $1,000 stake into $1.6 million.

In addition to the free reports, you receive brand new issues of the Palm Beach Letter with investment opportunities every month. You also access the members’ area on the website, the model portfolio, and regular trade alerts when new opportunities come up.

Subscription Fee

The discounted subscription fee for one year of the Palm Beach Letter is just $49

Performance Guarantee

You have 60 days to try the Palm Beach Letter without risk through the 60-day money-back guarantee.

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Is this presentation Legit?

The excitement is legit because the “Test Run” has already started evoking moves that were witnessed when Canada legalized Marijuana. Considering that the American market will be considerably bigger than Canada’s, the effect could even be greater.

On top of that, Teeka is a credible source of investment advice because he has worked for some reputable Wall Street firms. His investment record is also decent; it is littered with big wins, including investing in Apple when it was still relatively small.

He was also one of the first people to invest in cryptocurrencies – which explains why he is one of the leading crypto experts.

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“Why America’s Legal Pot “Test Run” Starts This Year” Verdict

Teeka Tiwari uses this presentation to talk about the legalization of marijuana and the impact it could have on investors. He mentions that he has invaluable intel that the federal government wants to do a “test run” of federal legalization to see how it can pan out.

He believes that the president and the congress will show the necessary political goodwill to make it happen – something that hasn’t happened since 1937. His belief is anchored by the fact that the president signed the Farm Bill in 2018 to legalize hemp in all 50 states.

To help you take advantage of these developments, he has identified one company that could benefit the most from this “test run” and three others that are taking the legal hemp industry by storm.

You don’t have to follow Teeka’s recommendations but they are worth your consideration. You have to subscribe to The Palm Beach Letter, which I would recommend you join for $49.

Before you leave

If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my no.1 recommendation.

It’s helped me earn over $300,000 in the last 12 months alone:

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Why America’s Legal Pot "Test Run" Starts This Year [Review] 7

David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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