Are George Gilder Predictions For 2022 Legit?

Wondering what George Gilder predictions for 2022 are?

George Gilder has been making predictions about the direction of the technology sector and the capital markets in general. He even refers to himself as “America’s #1 Futurist.”

Naturally, many people would like to know what Mr. Gilder is thinking concerning the future of the markets and trends they should be concerned about in the technology sector.

For example, in the past, he has talked about a $16.8 trillion reboot of the internet that may affect the world economy where he has urged investors to take the blockchain revolution seriously.

So, he has made a name for himself as an investment expert who makes bold predictions.

Therefore, in this piece, we will take a closer look at what he has been talking about to get an inkling of how he sees things panning out.

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George Gilder’s Predictions for 2022

George Gilder is a tech futurist, best-selling author and technology enthusiast who’s been at the forefront of some significant predictions over the past several decades.

He has been telling people to pay attention to the technology sector, often pointing out a new trend. For example, he wrote about the smartphone revolution in his book, Life After Television, in the nineties

He wrote,

“The most common personal computer of the next decade will be a digital cellular phone with an IP address… It will be as portable as your watch and as personal as your wallet; it will recognize speech and navigate streets; it will collect your mail, your news, and your paycheck.”

The smartphone revolution took off a decade later showing that George Gilder made the right prediction when he wrote that, which in itself is very impressive. Before that, he was writing about the semiconductor industry before it became as huge as it later became. People who took George seriously back then could have earned a lot of money had they patiently held on to the right investments.

More recently, he was talking about “cryptocosm.” The Cryptocosm, a term he created to refer to the Blockchain, is a concept he has been pushing and even conceptualized in his book, Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy. He has also talked about 5G stocks.

Although he doesn’t have a crystal ball, he has been predicting some of the most game-changing tech trends in the world. Therefore, he is someone worth listening to if you’re interested in tech investing.

We will take a look at what he’s predicting for 2022, but before we do that, let’s learn more about him:

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Who is George Gilder?

George Gilder is a veteran investor and author who’s been active for the past four decades – although he is only coming back to the limelight after retiring in 2007.

George Gilder prediction 2020 is nothing new for George, as he is best known for uncovering some of the most important tech trends of the past few decades. He has shared his insights with readers of Forbes, The Wall Street Journal and The Economist.

He personally met President Reagan in 1982 and showed him one of the first microcomputer chips ever built. When the president read his book, Wealth and Poverty, he was so impressed that he handed out copies to the members of his cabinet. He is the co-founder of the Discovery Institute and the chairman of George Gilder Fund Management, LLC.

George also predicted the age of the smartphone in his 1994 book, Life After Television.

Overall, he has been an important figure in the tech industry and has, crucially, always been ahead of the curve.

George Gilder’s Past Predictions

George Gilder has made a number of technology related predictions in the past. I think that these predictions can shed light on how he may approach future predictions if he doesn’t outright repeat them (which he has done in the past).

Therefore, let me walk you through some of his most popular presentations:

Docket 81-413 (Docket 18-295)

The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413” is a presentation by George Gilder and the reason he did it was to talk about a decision made by the federal government in the eighties that culminated in Docket 81-413.

The $9 trillion wealth secret of “Docket 81-413”Gilder claims that modern gadgets like laptops and phones as well as internet-based services like video streaming and search engines, and the companies behind them wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Docket 81-413.

George says that the federal government used to control the electromagnetic spectrum and that it had a monopoly over wireless communications. That was until a guy called Michael Marcus who used to work for the FCC challenged this. He argued his case and it culminated in Docket 81-413 whereby the government gave up the 2.4 GHz in “unlicensed spectrum” allowing private entities to innovate.

The spectrum sharing allowed innovators to create things like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and even the internet itself.

What about Docket 18-295? Gilder says that it is a new FCC directive that released “the 6Hz band.” With this band, applications like the WiFi 6E protocol are possible and Gilder believes that this will allow people to access faster internet.

He identified three large-cap tech companies that he wants you to consider investing in. Gilder wrote a special report detailing them called Three Spectrum Millionaire Makers.

He later released presentations like “The 5G Killer” and “The UberNet is Here” that were also about the unlicensed spectrum.

Don’t Buy 5G Stocks, Buy 15G Instead

In this pitch, George Gilder says you should stay away from the “conventional 5G stocks.” He calls for people to go for “15G Stocks” to mean that his stock picks will benefit from 5G trend only three times as profitable as typical 5G stocks.

George Gilder 15G Stocks

He says that typical 5G companies like Ericsson, Intel, Cisco, Samsung, Apple, Qualcomm, and other household-names will not be the best investments because most of them are big and they grow slowly from hereon out.

He prefers small off-radar companies that solve problems related to network performance and the 5G infrastructure because they have growth potential. Wall Street and the mainstream financial media hasn’t caught wind of them yet so their share prices are lower than those of the bigger corporations. However, if they unleash their potential, their share prices could go up three or more times higher than those typical 5G stocks.

The $16.8 Trillion Reboot

George has been doing a presentation called “Get Ready For The $16.8 Trillion “Reboot” of [x year] and Beyond,” where he explains why he thinks the internet we have will need a “reboot” that could potentially change everything about the way we live.

George Gilder's 2021 $16.8 Trillion Reboot presentationHe tells us how the reboot will change how we get paid, how we save, spend, and invest,

“This ‘reboot’ will change how you interact with your family and friends. It will change how you invest. It could, in fact, change the entire landscape of publicly traded companies. And do so faster than you can possibly imagine.”

What is this “reboot” he is talking about? George explains that the internet as we know it (that the major tech companies have been built on top of) is a centralized technology that has multiple security issues and privacy risks that make it very susceptible. And he’s not wrong.

In recent years, cybersecurity has been challenged multiple times with over 737 million files breached in 2020, a 67% increase from 2014. Therefore, as more people start using the internet to connect with one another, earn money, and shop, they are becoming more exposed to cyber threats. This is facilitated by the sharing of personal and financial information process that has been going on with tech giants collecting people’s personal information and storing it in centralized databases.

This, according to George, creates a deep vulnerability and a dangerous conflict of interest especially when companies like Apple, Amazon and Google use the information they collect to sell advertising:

Every one of our biggest companies today — Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon and, of course, Google — is a tech titan that’s built their empire on what most of us know as “Big Data.”

Gilder notes that this business model is vulnerable to malicious actors who are incentivized to hack the centralized systems to harvest people’s information that they can then use for nefarious purposes:

As it stands, with countless hacks and privacy violations, the Google model cannot last. It’s destined to crumble. And with it, we’ll lose a major cornerstone of today’s massive digital economy.

George thinks the solution is the cryptocosm, a term he came up with to describe a new “system of the world” that originated from the cryptographic revolution that gave us Bitcoin; the Blockchain technology.

He is talking about a phenomenon called Web 3.0. It is a new iteration of the internet that emphasizes decentralization. This new version of the internet is built on the Blockchain and it seeks to bring a high level of transparency where centralized organizations like Google will be replaced by smart contracts when it comes to controlling user data.

Therefore, George Gilder thinks that blockchain technology is going to definitively secure the internet because it will allow companies to build new products, platforms and services. Blockchain technology is seen by some as vital to economic growth because it will decentralize influence from a few powerful entities and encourage innovation.

How to Access George’s Predictions

George Gilder has been writing about the financial markets for decades. His popular newsletter, Gilder Technology Report was widely followed by investors in the nineties. However, he seems to have moved on from it and now publishes a variety of newsletters through which you can learn about his predictions.

His main financial advisory service as of writing this is The George Gilder Report. It is a Gilder Technology Report-style newsletter that seeks to emulate his influence at the height of the Dot Com Bubble. To access his stock picks and analysis, you need to join his service, The George Gilder Report, through the Three Founders Publishing website.

It is published by Three Founders Publishing every month with the goal of uncovering lesser known investment opportunities in the technology sector. These opportunities are tied to emerging trends like the Blockchain and 5G, as we’ve established.

Gilder has honed his ability to predict the major trends in the sector years before mainstream news catch up. He also reveals the companies (stock picks) he feels are best-positioned to benefit from those trends. It is one of his main ways of sharing his thoughts on technological innovation.

The other newsletter he frequently touts in his presentations is George Gilder’s Moonshots.

He shares, and I quote him, “his most radical and influential ideas to a small group of investors — so they can profit from the next major breakthroughs in tech.” This is the newsletter where he doesn’t shy away from speculating and swings for the fences. Typically, he writes about small businesses (tech startups) that he thinks are going to take Silicon Valley by storm with new products. He is not always right because such companies are always unproven and they are susceptible to failure.

If you don’t want to pay for a newsletter to access Gilder’s work, you can sign up for his free newsletter called Gilder’s Daily Prophecy.

You will get emails from Monday to Friday each week but they are not always by George Gilder. He has guys like Jeffrey Tucker chip in with their hot takes. George shares his insights when he writes and you can use this e-letter to gauge his credibility before you sign up for his premium ones.

George Gilder’s 2022 Predictions

George Gilder is well-known in tech circles for sharing some of the most consequential predictions in the world through his newsletter services. He also influenced economic policy under the Reagan administration because his book, Wealth and Poverty, that made the case for supply side economics impressed the president so much, he handed out copies to the members of his cabinet.

In the past two years, he has focused on 5G and blockchain stocks. He has told us in his books, videos and free emails that the blockchain technology will upend the big tech companies. A good example of this was during his “$16.8 trillion reboot” presentation where he said that technology companies would have to adopt blockchain because he thinks it solves the problems of Big Data.

He echoed this when he was talking about the cryptocosm, a term he created to refer to the blockchain technology.

In the past, he has also written about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics.

We expect him to continue writing about the technology sector in 2022. We will keep you updated on what he is writing about as he does it.

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David Fortune has been the editor since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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