Looking for a review of the new Jeff Brown 6G pitch?
I recently received an invitation to check out the presentation and right off the bat, he tells us to “forget about 5G.”
It felt strange that he would say that considering nearly every other expert wants us to buy 5G stocks.
I decided to take a closer look to see what the presentation was all about and put together this review to reveal my findings.
Keep reading to learn everything about the presentation.
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Jeff Brown 6G Review
Introduction to Jeff Brown 6G / Forget About 5G
Jeff Brown 6G is the name of a presentation released by Bonner & Partners concerning a new type of network he refers to as “6G.”
He claims that the ship has already sailed on 5G.
So, if you intend to invest in 5G stocks, you are already late because the gains have already been made.
This sentiment sounds eerily similar to what Ray Blanco talked about in his Apple Fi “The 5G Killer” video where he was discussing a new form of satellite internet pioneered by Apple.
Before we even dive into it, I should clarify that the presentation was not about a new wireless standard beyond 5G.
Besides, at the time of releasing the presentation, 5G hadn’t even been rolled out to the masses save for a few tests in a handful of cities.
Experts think it may take years for 5G to reach mass adoption making suggestions of a new 6G entirely baseless.
Instead, Jeff Brown is on to something else entirely.
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5G and Big Data
Jeff Brown clarifies that “6G” is not a new standard on the wireless spectrum because 6G is not even close to the auction (the FCC only recently finalized its latest auction of 5G spectrum).
The “6G” network in the context of the presentation runs on the 5G spectrum but it is a level above it because it combines 5G’s speed with a set of new technologies.
He later reveals that he calls it “6G” because it is a mixture of 5G and edge computing; a combination that is capable of processing large amounts of data. A more technically appropriate term for it would be 5G+ or 5½G.
Speaking of big data, he mentions that Apple already pays more than $30 million per month to run iCloud and Apple Music services and Netflix pays $19 million per month to access it for their streaming services.
And they are just 2 of the over 100,000 corporations that currently use “6G”.
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The Company that provides “6G”
The company that makes “6G” possible is what Jeff refers to as “the most important tech company in the world.” It has been earning $720 million in revenue from just Apple, Netflix, and Facebook.
This company provides the server space needed to run the “6G” network. It uses “powerful edge computers” that make 5G more robust for data-intensive applications.
Its name is Amazon (AMZN) and the edge computing he is alluding to is Amazon Web Services or AWS.
AWS is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides cloud computing services to businesses. It brought in 77% of Amazon’s operating income in the first quarter of 2020 and grew 33% in the last quarter of 2019.
Jeff Brown proposes that you invest in Amazon to take advantage of the “6G” trend.
But there’s a second company that manufactures a component in the hardware used by AWS. He says that it manufactures the most advanced processors, capable of handling advanced AI and deep learning functions. It also works for Microsoft and Google, both of which also provide cloud services.
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Who is behind Jeff Brown 6G?
Jeff Brown is a tech investment expert at Bonner & Partners. He edits The Near Future Report, Exponential Tech Investor, and Early Stage Trader. He also edits a free e-letter called The Bleeding Edge.
He graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, which set him up for a career in the technology industry.
He specialized in processors and semiconductors and ended up working for Qualcomm and NXP Semiconductors.
He has also been a successful startup investor because he knows the industry better than most.
How to Invest in Jeff Brown 6G Stock
He has written a report titled Beyond 5G: How to Make a Fortune Off Amazon Web Services that provides detail about AWS and the small hardware company critical to cloud computing services. He also reveals the name and the ticker symbol of that small company.
In that report, he also provides details of a third company that makes the processors that run AWS’s data centers.
It recorded sales of over $2 billion in the fourth quarter of 2019 making it a potentially good investment.
If you want to get your hands on the report, you must subscribe to The Near Future Report.
Through it, he publishes new findings and recommendations that he feels will benefit his readers.
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Bonus Reports
In addition to the report about “6G,” he sends you a second one called Self-Driving Cars: The Future is Now. This report discusses self-driving cars and the impact 5G will have on their mass adoption. It reminded me of Whitney Tilson’s TaaS.
Although he lists many companies that will be a part of the revolution, he focuses on one public company that he expects to start climbing when autonomous cars start to reach the masses.
It doesn’t produce the cars but provides the hardware needed to make them.
There’s also another report called The 5G Device Every American Will Need.
This one concerns a company manufacturing the RF chips inside phones that make them 5G-capable.
Subscription Fee
A one-year subscription costs $49
Performance Guarantee
There is a 60-day money-back guarantee. This means that you have 60 days to try it and if it fails to meet your expectations within that duration, you can cancel for a full refund.
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Is Jeff Brown 6G Legit?
I think that Jeff Brown 6G is legit.
It concerns investing in AWS, the cloud computing arm of Amazon that provides vital services to companies that handle large amounts of data – of course, you will invest in Amazon, not AWS. Cloud computing has been particularly important in 2020 because most companies have urged employees to work from home to minimize personal contact to stop the spread of COVID-19.
It makes sense that Jeff wants us to invest in Amazon (considering its e-commerce business also surged during lockdown).
However, the word 6G is misleading because it implies that there is a new wireless network standard. It is only after watching the video that you realize that he is talking about cloud computing.
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Jeff Brown 6G Verdict
The Jeff Brown 6G presentation was all about getting you to subscribe to The Near Future Report.
It is an elite investment newsletter through which Jeff discusses technologies that he thinks are on the cusp of mass adoption. That includes things like Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous vehicles, 5G, and other forms of technology.
He finds investment opportunities in each of those niches that he expects his readers to reap maximum returns from. His goal is to get in on those technologies ahead of mass adoption, something he says you can never achieve if you listen to mainstream financial media.
Since most of his recommendations involve relatively small companies, the risks are considerably greater. If you follow them, you should only invest money that you would be comfortable losing.
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David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.