Mikey Kass: Ecom Good Life Legit? [Unbiased Review]

If you have an interest in dropshipping, then you must have heard of Mikey Kass and the Ecom Good Life course. Mikey claims that from his course, you can learn the secrets to having a profitable dropship store and earn passive income online.

In this review, we will take a closer look into the background of Mikey Kass, what exactly his course is about and whether or not you should join. We’ll also explore some frequently asked questions to enable you to make an informed decision.

Before I start…

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It’s helped me earn over $300,000 in the last 12 months alone:

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Mikey Kass: Ecom Good Life Legit? [Unbiased Review] 7

Mikey Kass Review

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Who is Mikey Kass?

Mikey Kass is a 21 year old successful dropshipping entrepreneur, YouTube star and founder of the Ecom Good Life course.

Mike was born in July 28, 2001 and was raised in an expensive San Diego neighborhood by his parents. He led a comfortable life with access to all the latest gadgets and plenty of overseas vacations.

Mikey Kass

Before he turned 18, he gained an interest in drones and hunting killer clowns. This led to him becoming a content creator on YouTube and launching his channel, Mikey Kass, in October 2013 to make videos about RC technology.

Eventually, his most watched series of videos became ‘Hunting Killer Clowns with a drone’ which allowed him to monetize his channel.

Later on, Mikey Kass got interested in entrepreneurship and his parents let him use their broker accounts to buy some stocks as he was not yet of age. He began by selling phone cases on eBay, but that turned out to be a failure and he had to try something different.

Kass decided to open a dropshipping shopify store and his parents let him use their name and bank accounts to help get his Shopify store off the ground as he hadn’t reached 18 yet.

However, dispute letters started to arrive about chargebacks and Mikey’s parents sought legal advice before finally deciding the financial and professional liability wasn’t worth the risk. His mom refunded all of his orders and shut down the store thus Mike lost all his money.

Consequently, he let his grades slip to 0.8GPA out of 4.0 and refused to go to school as all he wanted to do was grow his dropship online business and chill. Even though it is illegal for a child not to attend school in San Diego, Kass’ parents were unable to force him to go to school and ended up taking away his cell phone and restricting his access to the internet.

Finally, Mikey decided to run away from home. He was chased by cops and monitored by private investigators hired by his parents as he began making money online and was apparently earning a six figure income from his dropshipping store.

Mikey Kass claims that it took him four months before he reached $10K per month in sales which eventually became $150K per month with dropshipping.

After a full year of Mikey consistently making hundreds of thousands of dollars per month, he decided to share his knowledge by offering dropshipping courses. He founded the Ecom Good Life course which is a series of video lessons that show how he achieved his success with the dropshipping business model.

Mikey has over 10.4K subscribers on his YouTube channel and his videos have amassed over 166K views. He currently has a net worth of $1- $5 million at just 21 years of age.

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What is the Ecom Good Life Course?

Mikey KassThe Ecom Good Life Course is an online course created by Mikey Kass that teaches you how to make money online by dropshipping products.

It reminds me of other dropshipping courses like Asigo System and also one of several courses in The Real World.

What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is an order fulfillment method where a business doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock but instead the seller purchases inventory as needed from a third party to fulfill orders.

In this way, the selling merchant acts as the middleman between the supplier and the customer and therefore doesn’t stock or own inventory. By setting up an online store, you can find and advertise products to consumers anywhere via internet.

There are two common approaches to adopting a dropshipping business model. You can either seek out one or more wholesale suppliers located anywhere in the world on your own using a supplier database or use an app that connects you and your store to thousands of suppliers.

Whenever someone buys a product from your store, you authorize your supplier to pack and ship the item on your behalf and then get to keep any remaining profit after merchant fees, ad spend, paying the supplier plus other expenses.

Mikey claims that with this Ecom Good Life course, you will learn how to:

  • Create and set up a profitable dropship store
  • Do proper product research and marketing techniques to sell to customers the right way.
  • Easy steps to launching a successful Facebook ad campaign to sell your product.
  • Bargain with suppliers.
  • Study various success behaviors and mindsets.

The course demonstrates how Mikey maintains a 40-50% net profit on 6 figures every month, his work-life balance and apparently offers a step-by-step guide to taking your Shopify store from $0 to ultimately $10,000 – $150,000 per month, just like he did.

The website shows no information about the Mikey Kass team.

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What products/services does the Ecom Good life offer?

The Ecom Good Life is a series of video lessons by Mikey Kass, where he reveals his secrets to success.

The lessons include:

Facebook and Instagram ADS

In this first section of the Ecom Good Life course, Mikey shows you how to advertise on Facebook and Instagram using paid ads so that you can draw more attention to your store and market the products you’re promoting. Social media is a huge part of the dropshipping business model as all eyes are on these platforms. The more people see your ads, the higher your chance of making better sales.

The videos and strategies in this section are usually updated.

Shopify store creation

Shopify is a complete commerce platform that allows you to start, grow, and manage a business. With Shopify, a store owner can build and customize their own store and sell in multiple places, including the web, mobile, in person, brick-and-mortar locations, pop-up shops and across multiple channels from social media to online marketplaces.

Shopify is completely cloud-based and hosted, thus allowing you to access it from any connected compatible device. Furthermore, they handle software, server upgrades and maintenance for you. This gives you the flexibility to access and run your business from anywhere through internet connection.

In this second section of the course, Mikey shows you how to create your Shopify store from scratch. He also shows you how to use the Shopify platform and how to setup your brand.

Winning Product research

For the third section of the course, Mikey Kass shows you what product research methods you should use to search for winning products. He also helps you compare products to see which one will give you more accurate results.

Mikey is transparent in this section since he states that not every product you list is going to sell. This part of the training is focused on helping you increase your chances of finding products with large profit margins.

Mindset training

With the fourth section of training, you will get help acquiring the right mindset when starting a dropshipping business. Furthermore, Mikey talks about how to find and hire a team that will help you scale your business.

Music Playlist

In this section, Mikey Kass shares with his viewers some of the playlists he used on his journey to success. This includes the music that motivates Mikey as he builds his Shopify stores.

There have been speculations that this part of the course is just a filler module to help make a full course.

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How much does the Ecom Good Life Course cost?

The Ecom Good Life program used to cost $497, inclusive of all the lessons before being repriced to $17. This was a very huge and suspicious drop in pricing which is a red flag.

The change in price makes your investment minimal thus low risk as you won’t have to spend as much money to join.

There are however additional costs as you begin building your dropshipping store, such as capital, ad fees and supply costs.

How to join the Ecom Good Life Course?

To become part of the Ecom Good Life Program, you must first contact the Mikey Kass team via email and wait for their response.

Once you get their response, you will be required to give some of your personal information to open your account with them and payment is also required before joining the course.

After you are done with the whole process, you can now log in to your account through their website and begin your dropshipping training.


The Ecom Good Life Reviews

Mikey Kass’ program has received a lot of negative reviews and is an alleged ponzi scheme. It has a 2.8 out of 5 star rating on Trustpilot and has an otherwise bad reputation just from other reviews.

Here is what some people have to say:

This guy Mikey kass is a scam artist, he will try and get you to buy a drop shipping store, pretending its 1 of 10 exclusives . He makes a big deal for you to show up to a phone call with him so he can show you how to make alot of money on Shopify from the store hes just sold you then he will never call! and then no refund offered and they will not answer any messages on email. watch out for Josh Santos also, his partner. bad people. nasty scammers! be careful! good luck with finding good people to help you, people like these ruin the internet.

-Jethro Sheeran

Yeah, this is bullshit. I only authorized one payment of 47.00 and so far this Mikey pass bull has charged me over two hundred dollars and his system sucks. I can’t even find his emails anymore or log into the account that he swore was going to make me rich for only 47.00. it’s a scam. I want my money back that I never authorized. And I want it now. I am going to sue if I don’t get my money back.

-Laura Cortez

Mikey Kass’ is not a scam he is the most successful drop shipper in the World Currently and one of the youngest.

The class ECom Goodlife might look like a scam but in fact: it is 100% not a scam! I bought the course for $1500 which sounds very expensive but they would not personally text you, email you, and allow you to message Mikey himself. The videos are not rushed and the course is very well structured. Some people claim that the course is not well detailed but in my experience it is detailed enough for you to get the concept.

So if your debating whether or not you should go out and spend thousands of dollars to pay for this course let me tell you its worth it!


Unfortunately i fell for their “good life” SCAM also and they told me beyond the $500 they already got from me, they would need $1500 more to make it work, so, then i asked for my initial $500 money back within the 3 days right to recend the contract, by texting the whole Mikey Kass team, they all ghosted me, but i also sent the request for a refund by email to their support, and i got an auto reply acknowledging the text and nothing more. So i contact my Capital One credit card company and said i need to start a reversal of the charges, so now they reply to that and say i accessed all of their crap courses and i did not request a refund until 20 days later, so i uploaded copies of my emails to my Capital One credit card folks , and the dammed Capital One folks, who all have foreign accents, tell me that my copies of emails showing them that Mikey Kass Team is lying, was not proof enough, and that they believe those felony criminal liars, so i tell Capital One that they are aiding & abetting Felony Theft, and they reply that they do not care. So now i got another Capital One Criminal action against me as well. ECOM THEFT LIFE should be their name for the scammers, as well as Capital One Company name too! pdwin(nineteenseventyfive)@gmail is where u can verify all that

-Peter Winegarner

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are refunds available?

Yes, unlike most dropshipping courses out there. Mikey Kass states that you can request a full refund within the first 7 days provided you haven’t completed more than 20% of the material.

Is dropshipping worth it?

Dropshipping is not as easy as Mikey makes it sound and requires a lot of time and vigour business-wise. I would not recommend joining this business model.

First of all, there is a lot of financial risk as you will need to spend money on Facebook ads for marketing reasons which have become increasingly costly. Finding a reliable supplier is also an uphill task as not all of them will supply you with high-quality products that you can confidently sell in your online Shopify store.

Furthermore, encountering refunds and returns from dissatisfied customers is another disadvantage as it will lead to you losing money. This is because you will need to contact the supplier and ask if they can do a refund. If they can’t, you will have to purchase the item and ship it to your customers if you want to keep them happy. This leads to a loss.

Another risk with dropshipping is that you may run out of stock and not be able to fulfill your customers orders. Since you don’t own any of the stock, if the suppliers run out of products and don’t know when they’ll get more, you’re going to have problems with customers who placed orders through your site and are expecting their product. If you don’t have enough stock then you may have to refund your customers which takes away your profits.

All in all, dropshipping might not be the most profitable business model. You might be better off trying the digital real estate business

Is dropsipping better than an income store business?

The Income Store created in 2008 by Kenneth Courtright enabled investors to buy sites and online businesses. It claimed to have guaranteed return rates and promised in contracts to use their investment money to buying sites on behalf of the investor, which the investor would then own, and continue to manage that site, dividing the revenues 50/50.

The Income Store business continued and experienced a great deal of growth from 2012 to 2019 before rumours started circulating in November about Income Store not being able to pay wages and a probable Securities and Exchange Commission investigation.

The claims were verified in 2020 when the SEC intervened to shut down the Income Store turned over the assets and management of what was left over to a court-appointed receiver, Melanie Damian, and filed both civil and criminal charges against the income store Kenneth Courtright.

After the FBI initiated a separate investigation into the alleged ponzi scheme, Kenneth was arrested on criminal fraud charges in February 2020. The Income store created and operated sites including a website for selling donald trump memorabilia.

Clearly, choosing to start your own dropshipping business is better and more risk free than starting an income store business as this company was shut down on allegations of fraud.

Is shopify legit?

Yes it is. Shopify is currently the safest e-commerce platform to build your own store. It has been in operation for more than 15 years with no major issues and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange for a market valuation of over $150 billion.

The company’s founder and CEO is transparent about the company’s goals and every Shopify shop receives a free SSL certificate.

Furthermore, they offer good customer service and have not been reported to leak customer’s payment details thus making it secure.

Are there alternatives to the ecom good life course?

Yes, there are various other dropshipping programs and resources to choose from if you want to pursue this business model.  Some of them include:

  • Sprocket Dropshipping
  • Biaheza Dropshipping
  • Dropshipping Titans
  • Oberlo
  • 100K Blueprint

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Pros of the Ecom Good Life Course

Good ad training

The course provides comprehensive training on how to use paid ads which is very beneficial as it applies to other business models besides dropshipping.

Product research training

Mikey Kass’ videos show you how to build a profitable dropship store learn various methods of product research. This allows you to learn which products to sell in your online store.

Cons of the Ecom Good Life Course

It is shallow

Though the course claims to teach the dropshipping business model, it barely scratches the surface on what it is to be a dropshipper and how to overcome the various challenges that come with this business model.

Available free resources elsewhere

There are a lot of free resources online from which you can learn dropshipping without having to pay through the nose. Some of the video lessons included in the course such as ‘mindset’ and ‘music playlist’ are not that vital and can be acquired elsewhere.

Furthermore, there are other websites that offer training on how to use paid ads to receive paid traffic.

Dropshipping is high risk

The dropshipping business model is very high risk as you’d require a lot of capital to begin and there are additional costs you will encounter as you run your business that will lower your profit margin.

Limited traffic training

The training on using paid ads encompasses only Facebook and Instagram ads which are not the only available social media platforms. Further training on Google Ads, Google Shopping, email marketing and SEO is not available which is disadvantageous.

Conclusion: Final Thoughts

This Mikey Kass program seems to be a legitimate dropshipping course. However, there is no proof that Mikey is as successful as he claims which makes joining this course a high risk decision.

The course itself is not comprehensive enough to allow one to break even with the dropshipping business models and has received a lot of negative reviews that have called it a scam.

There are much better courses produced by people with established credibility who can show both their income and that of their students.

Before you leave

If you’re tired of scams and want a real solution for making money online check out my no.1 recommendation.

It’s helped me earn over $300,000 in the last 12 months alone:

Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

(This is a 100% free training)

Mikey Kass: Ecom Good Life Legit? [Unbiased Review] 7

David Fortune has been the editor NoBSIMReviews.com since 2019. He is an expert at writing content on stock advisory services, side hustles, reviewing online business opportunities and many more topics. You can learn more about David on our about us page.

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